My friend Daniel wrote this in depth article about ageism in the comic industry!
Read it and figure the numbers by yourself!
Have a great day!!
Friday, December 28, 2007
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Happy Holidays!!!

Happy Holidays to all of you!!
I am working and really busy but I wanted to say Thank you at the end of this year, it has been so great and so bad in many ways but I can not complain.
I am working in the pages I owe to Sean, Nik, Dan , Victor and David.
This time I didn´t want to write down what has been going on over the days because I normally sound like I am just being lazy and giving excuses in terms of not showing any work lately to my writers,(in fact this is the first day over the last fifteen days I had had time to start checking my mail) but I got My GrandMother´s death (yeaph another member of my Family, weird year in fact My father´s Mom) over my travel to the convention and as you can see I have been and I am still busy with family stuff...
So this distracted me a bit on the work but now I am working on the delayed work.
Be good!!!
ps:I am loading some inking pieces I did for practice.
Be good and enjoy!!
Monday, December 24, 2007
LA (ET) MOLE 2007. I'M BACK!!!

This is my Second Big Convention in Mexico and I have to say it was amazingly fun...
I have to thank the organizers but in special to Mario for the hospitality!!
I will write a summary of the event in some days (I gotta back to work on some pages and covers I still owe)...
The great people of SuperComics made a small review of the Event!!
Everardo Ferrer and Jose Miguel Marquina were so nice to me over a conversation We had on the Convention.
Just to finish the post I want to thank in special to my compas and friends Rene Cordova, Alberto Carrera and Nova for being with me all the convention, they made my day and I don´t have enough words to thank them for their friendship!!!
Thursday, December 20, 2007

Tomorrow I will be on The Convention called La Mole that is maybe one of the three with more tradition in my country.
I am going there and I will have my table there.
Remember that los compas Rene Cordova (Republika Lucha) and Alberto Carrera (sculptor) will there next to my table.
See you there!!
I won´t have any access to internet in the next days so see you when I come back! :)
Amigos Mañana estara en la Mole que es tal vez una de las tres mejores del pais.
Voy a estar en una mesa y recuerden que voy a estar al lado literalmente de los compas Rene Cordova y Alberto Carrera.
Les agradezco que lo pongan en sus blogs la info o que pasen la voz y asi conocernos o vernos alla!!
Un abrazo!!
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Monday, December 17, 2007

Right here are the two alternate covers of Republika Lucha 2.
Second issue of this amazing title with interior and Cover work of El Compadre Rene Cordova and alternate cover of Ladronn.
Aqui les muestro las dos portadas alternativas de Republika Lucha 2.
El segundo numero de este increible titulo con trabajo interior y portada hecha por mi compa el Rene Cordova y una portada alterna de Ladronn.
Quibo comprenla este fin de Semana en la Mole visitenlo y tambien denme una vuelta!!
Un abrazo!
Have a great day!
Friday, December 14, 2007
Wrapping up!
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Teasing people.

Hey guys, sorry again for the absence,busy with some stuff I am doing lately.Some weeks ago I ended the proposal of The Unwanted so now everything is in hands of the writer and the editor involved,so now I am just waiting to see the times.
I am still in the middle of a project that I was about to end this week and I hope to be doing the last pages by The weekend. :)
I was talking to Antonio Torres who will be my colorist for the preview of Rocket and I promised him some pages by the first days of next week, so I am finally getting into Rocket Girl 3.
(NIK, I say your email two days ago...I hope to write back to you asap, I finally have some good surprises as you have read here...:).
I caught cold last week and I hope to recover soon because I was feeling so bad that I had to be on bed the past two days.
I am sending you the advance of a Cover I am doing now for a magazine..I already ended it so hopefully I will show here the Splash page with the Double Cover.
Have a great day!!
José Ramon Gallego.

I hope one day my friend José Ramón Gallego decides to focus his life on painting AGAIN, I am showing here an image that was published this month in Previews in the Gallery Section.
He is an amazing artist but now He is concentrated with his Love: Playing Guitar!!
Amigo gracias por compartir la noticia conmigo!!
I have two friends that are incredible sculptors.
The First one is Alberto Carrera and his work is amazing (I am showing here part of what He is doing for Republika Lucha, but I promise to start loading part of his other work).
He is a great guy an Amazing and Loyal Friend and a great artist!!!

The other is so amazing as a person I really like a lot this kid and as you can see He is another incredible artist, I promise to load more of his work here.(This is a photo of the work He is doing for Republika Lucha!
I hope over the months to start talking about some Lucha work that Nik and I have and I am saving my money to have some sculptures done by Chicharo.
The First one is Alberto Carrera and his work is amazing (I am showing here part of what He is doing for Republika Lucha, but I promise to start loading part of his other work).
He is a great guy an Amazing and Loyal Friend and a great artist!!!

The other is so amazing as a person I really like a lot this kid and as you can see He is another incredible artist, I promise to load more of his work here.(This is a photo of the work He is doing for Republika Lucha!
I hope over the months to start talking about some Lucha work that Nik and I have and I am saving my money to have some sculptures done by Chicharo.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

The sales.

The original.

The sales.

The sales.

The original.
Well I never expected to load a post of this is quite hilarious!!
I never expected to be ripped off by the underground piracy in my own country...I was reported by the nice Hino that outside of The Arena Mexico they were selling some bags with original work done by El Hino and some other designers that are normally posting in the Deviantart site.
And the work of truly yours was also part of the sales... The only thing I can say to the guys selling not original art (They also claimed they did the designs..hahahaha btw I have the phone and the email of these guys, the funny part is that They are really looking for people who can sell this product in other parts of the country..quite hilarious!), well THE ONLY THING I CAN SAY TO THIS GUY IS... THANK YOU SO MUCH!!

THANKS!! :) :) :)
Have a great day all of you!!!
Wednesday, November 28, 2007

La tira mas larga became the Longest Comic strip wait ever for Rafa Morey,Rafa Morey is one the greatest artist that Spain has, He was so kind to ask me more than a month ago to participate for the second time on this crazy and amazing compendium of artist with a great spin off (the author has to follow the last strip done).
Amigo Rafa una disculpa enorme por este mes de espera que creo que ha valido en algo la encantan estos experimentos!
Un abrazo y mil disculpas de nuevo!!
Check the whole story and artwork here! (sorry link in SPANISH!)
Have a great day!
I am taking about half and hour in a library near my home to write this, hopefully I am getting my internet back tomorrow night.
Well again sorry for the absence in writing here I was not expecting to have some dumb situations lately but first things first.
Do you remember I was about to travel to Guadalajara to meet my second nephew, well We left to Guadalajara one Saturday in the afternoon and We got there after 5 or 6 hours (my brother got stopped by a road police officer and gave him a fine, We got stuck in a traffic spot and so forth).
Well We arrived that Saturday night and I have to say that I was expecting little from the trip (knowing that the father of my sister in law passed away few days before our trip) and it was amazing!!!, I was and I am missing my first nephew at home and my second nephew is adorable, so cute!!
We returned home the following Monday in the afternoon and over Michoacan We had a flat tire, seemed that the old tire just couldn´t resist the travel and got flat. We spent about 20 minutes changing the tire for a new brand tire not even a spare tire A NEW BRAND TIRE!
We were near Celaya to be more exact in the Kilometer 53 in the Bridge El Llano, and We got another flat tire but in this case the tire We changed and that was already new, My brother had little time to pull over the car and We got in the middle of a curve and in the middle of the road (there are a two-way lanes and We were in the middle of one...bad luck!!).
So you can imagine, because of the sudden halt some of my family got bruises and I got a injured arm and hand mainly to prevent my brother to hit himself with the head towards the sit because of the whiplash effect. (thankfully I am felling much better and now I am only aching the upper part of my arm but nothing serious).
Well My dad, my other brother and I had to get out of the car and star signaling with a red cloth,mainly, to prevent an accident and also to prevent a trailer, a bus or a car could crash with our broken car (thing that almost happened 3 times).
Some guys came in our help (We didn´t know in that moment they were the ones who provoked the accident) and told us They would call for help (thing that never happened), We waited there for about two hours and since 9:00 pm that our accident happened We finally got home at 4:00 am to our house.
This is what the police officers told us or the version that is the most correct, seems those bastards (The guys looking for us to help) wanted to steal our car, so They threw something in our tires so We could crash and spin off from the road so When They arrive They could steal everything they could, and because They saw We were 3 men and The car was not off the road,They left the place as fast as possible, from the police officer´s side We were told that in that special kilometer those guys had already killed one trailer driver,raped 3 girls, and stole about 15 trailers and 10 cars already, so I guess We were LUCKY that day!!!.
Now I am with a lot of work on my back and I hope to have some news the following days...
Be good and take care!!
Well again sorry for the absence in writing here I was not expecting to have some dumb situations lately but first things first.
Do you remember I was about to travel to Guadalajara to meet my second nephew, well We left to Guadalajara one Saturday in the afternoon and We got there after 5 or 6 hours (my brother got stopped by a road police officer and gave him a fine, We got stuck in a traffic spot and so forth).
Well We arrived that Saturday night and I have to say that I was expecting little from the trip (knowing that the father of my sister in law passed away few days before our trip) and it was amazing!!!, I was and I am missing my first nephew at home and my second nephew is adorable, so cute!!
We returned home the following Monday in the afternoon and over Michoacan We had a flat tire, seemed that the old tire just couldn´t resist the travel and got flat. We spent about 20 minutes changing the tire for a new brand tire not even a spare tire A NEW BRAND TIRE!
We were near Celaya to be more exact in the Kilometer 53 in the Bridge El Llano, and We got another flat tire but in this case the tire We changed and that was already new, My brother had little time to pull over the car and We got in the middle of a curve and in the middle of the road (there are a two-way lanes and We were in the middle of one...bad luck!!).
So you can imagine, because of the sudden halt some of my family got bruises and I got a injured arm and hand mainly to prevent my brother to hit himself with the head towards the sit because of the whiplash effect. (thankfully I am felling much better and now I am only aching the upper part of my arm but nothing serious).
Well My dad, my other brother and I had to get out of the car and star signaling with a red cloth,mainly, to prevent an accident and also to prevent a trailer, a bus or a car could crash with our broken car (thing that almost happened 3 times).
Some guys came in our help (We didn´t know in that moment they were the ones who provoked the accident) and told us They would call for help (thing that never happened), We waited there for about two hours and since 9:00 pm that our accident happened We finally got home at 4:00 am to our house.
This is what the police officers told us or the version that is the most correct, seems those bastards (The guys looking for us to help) wanted to steal our car, so They threw something in our tires so We could crash and spin off from the road so When They arrive They could steal everything they could, and because They saw We were 3 men and The car was not off the road,They left the place as fast as possible, from the police officer´s side We were told that in that special kilometer those guys had already killed one trailer driver,raped 3 girls, and stole about 15 trailers and 10 cars already, so I guess We were LUCKY that day!!!.
Now I am with a lot of work on my back and I hope to have some news the following days...
Be good and take care!!
Thursday, November 22, 2007
I do not have internet at home and I hope to get it back by tomorrow or in the worst case scenario by Monday.
This is a small catch up to explain my absence.
I had a car accident with my Family over this past weekend, I already explained this over my spanish site and I only had time to tell to a person about the incident, I hope as soon as I get my internet back to tell the full story.
Car destroyed, some of my Family with mild bruises and I got a bit injured arm nothing of alarm, but trying to fill a tight deadline and some work I guess you can make numbers and figure out the situation :).
I am working on some work I owe and the Anthology so expect news over Monday or Tuesday about the new printed work.
I went to Las Luchas and it was in the overall much better than last time!!!
I am coming back from a conference that El Fisgon (a great political cartoonist from my country gave in my hometown) and I gave him my Sketchbook and He was really nice to me!! :)
Sorry I have more things to say but I ran out of time and money so see you in some days...damn I need to finish today at night at least 2 pages and tight the pencils of 2 more and watercolor a page I owe for an experiment...:)
Be good!!
This is a small catch up to explain my absence.
I had a car accident with my Family over this past weekend, I already explained this over my spanish site and I only had time to tell to a person about the incident, I hope as soon as I get my internet back to tell the full story.
Car destroyed, some of my Family with mild bruises and I got a bit injured arm nothing of alarm, but trying to fill a tight deadline and some work I guess you can make numbers and figure out the situation :).
I am working on some work I owe and the Anthology so expect news over Monday or Tuesday about the new printed work.
I went to Las Luchas and it was in the overall much better than last time!!!
I am coming back from a conference that El Fisgon (a great political cartoonist from my country gave in my hometown) and I gave him my Sketchbook and He was really nice to me!! :)
Sorry I have more things to say but I ran out of time and money so see you in some days...damn I need to finish today at night at least 2 pages and tight the pencils of 2 more and watercolor a page I owe for an experiment...:)
Be good!!
Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Check this review that appeared in Broken Frontier!!
Gene Simmons’ Dominatrix 1-4
The lynchpin title of the line, Dominatrix, admittedly, on the surface, seems to be just the sort of trashy, ridiculous tripe one might expect from a celebrity-inspired comic. But it’s also, as indicated by a fellow reviewer over at Ain’t it Cool, “mindless fun”. Spotlighting a surprisingly homebody girl named Dominique, who moonlights as a professional dominatrix (her studio’s in her basement), the series chronicles an accidental stumble into one of her client’s over-the-top world of black ops. In order to survive, she’s given a super-power enhancing drug that grants her strength, speed, and a spidy-sense-like early-warning ability.
Including ninjas, mercenaries, super-spies, and a super-secret something that everyone seems to be gunning for, Dominatrix manages to focus on the sex, the inconsistent taboos of society, character development, and yet never once subsists in its ridiculous rillet of B-genre situations. It’s a comic chock-full of action and long-loved elements, though its subject matter, of course, marks this as not for children. Writer Sean Taylor (author of The Veil and Last Chance School for Girls) pens a highly likable Dominique, though he sometimes overplays the asinine elements of the villains. Nevertheless, four issues have come and gone and…I’m…my god, but I think I’m hooked on a comic called “Dominatrix”.
The series began with artist Flavio Hoffe, who produced a brilliant first issue, with dense and fluid pages looking just this side of animated, highly similar to early Luke Ross or any of the current Devil’s Due books. By the second issue, however, his work already suffered in certain ways, the figures suddenly stiff, the layouts too formal, the overall product lacking in exceptional qualities that’d been present before. Whether or not this was a shared opinion, IDW mainstay Esteve Polls hopped onboard as new permanent artist starting with issue #3, and his work, much as his House of Horrors contribution and his outing in Cory Doctorow’s Futuristic Tales of the Here and Now #1: Anda’s Game is classic comics a la Prince Valiant—detailed, solidly structured, and highly winsome.
So a series that far surpassed my (I confess) rock bottom expectations, but did so in such a stellar way that I think I’m onboard for the foreseeable future.
Have a great day!!

CAFE TACUBA is without question my favorite mexican band ever, and I thought of them as the most innovative band from my country and They released the new album called SI NO 2007.
I am completely dissapointed the album is HORRIBLE!! Horrible lyrics work and the music is not even like in the first albums... It really hurts because is without question my favorite band in spanish in MEXICO...I hope they release a new album soon and recover the spirit the have...
I was listening to their album and I cannot get this picture of my mind "Is like If someone washed a dark T-shirt and now the shirt became pale and gray"
A real shame I just couldn´t stand to listen the full album...This is a very sad day indeed, I was so happy for buying this CD and now I do not know where to put it!!
Have a great am still sad!
Friday, November 16, 2007
I have no new work to share at least for now (I have done a lot of new work but nothing I can show for now) so I was browsing my files and I found this process of how I work covers in this case the one of Rocket Girl (I still to tell Nik If We can use this for the color preview He will release on December).
Hopefully I will load the inked version next week!!
Be good!!
Long time without talking about the work of some of my friends,They are not in order so do not be offended by the sequence. :)

First SERGIO BLEDA one of the greatest guys ever is working now for Solei and this is his participation. He had to paint "Fall" from a book called "Les Fées" (The Faeries) edited to promote "Celtic" from Soleil.
And He is also preparing his Tenth Anniversary of El Baile del Vampiro edited by Aleta. Good luck amigo Bleda!!! :)

The amazing artist RENE CORDOVA (Republika Lucha and Nickelodeon) has some participation on Nik the magazine that is sold in my country and preparing the release of his second number of Republika Lucha!!

Rulo aka RAUL TREVIÑO a great friend and amazing storyteller is preparing the second volume of La Danza de la Conquista edited by the amazing group of Norma Spain.
As you can see this work will skyrocket him!!!

The last one is the Toon aka FEDERICO BLEE made this comission to me and I am absolutely happy with the result, I tell the bastard everytime to start working on paneling work...I am sure his style can suit so many companies!!
That is all for now!!
See you when I get back!!

First SERGIO BLEDA one of the greatest guys ever is working now for Solei and this is his participation. He had to paint "Fall" from a book called "Les Fées" (The Faeries) edited to promote "Celtic" from Soleil.
And He is also preparing his Tenth Anniversary of El Baile del Vampiro edited by Aleta. Good luck amigo Bleda!!! :)

The amazing artist RENE CORDOVA (Republika Lucha and Nickelodeon) has some participation on Nik the magazine that is sold in my country and preparing the release of his second number of Republika Lucha!!

Rulo aka RAUL TREVIÑO a great friend and amazing storyteller is preparing the second volume of La Danza de la Conquista edited by the amazing group of Norma Spain.
As you can see this work will skyrocket him!!!

The last one is the Toon aka FEDERICO BLEE made this comission to me and I am absolutely happy with the result, I tell the bastard everytime to start working on paneling work...I am sure his style can suit so many companies!!
That is all for now!!
See you when I get back!!
Guadalajara over the Weekend.

Mañana me voy a Guadalajara para conocer a mi sobrino, lo feo es que mi camara ya chafeo y pues me tengo que comprar otra este Domingo.
Si alguien va por ahi me avisa y capaz de que nos echamos un taquito, lo que se de seguro es que voy a ver a mi familia en Guadalajara y tambien a comer o cenar con el compa Rene Cordova and Novita!!!
Tomorrow after work I will be leaving to Guadalajara to meet my second nephew, the uggly part is that my camera went broke so that means I need to buy a new one this Sunday!
If someone is there to say hello let me know and maybe We eat or drink something together the sure thing is that I will visit my Family and also have something with the Compa Rene Cordova and Novita of Republika Lucha!!
Be good!!
And see you over Tuesday!
PS: About comic work I received one of the greates surprises ever but only when the work is done I will talk about it, what I can say is that I always wanted to be inked by a person that I absolutely admired all my life and seems my dream will become true pretty soon!
I am on page 5 of the Anthology I am part for a good company, and I am going to end the inking of The Unwanted this weekend also I am working on more pages of Rocket Girl and well more plans of Lucha and Illustration!!
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Do you want me to design and build your house?
Friday, November 09, 2007
Funny how life plays games with me lately!
I need to visit a doctor next week for my first THIRTIES annual checking and The date for my bachelors oral exam is TUESDAY 13TH!!!
It is really great because that spooky number for me is a number of GOOD LUCK!!!
So I am finally closing circles! :) :)
Have a great day!!
I need to visit a doctor next week for my first THIRTIES annual checking and The date for my bachelors oral exam is TUESDAY 13TH!!!
It is really great because that spooky number for me is a number of GOOD LUCK!!!
So I am finally closing circles! :) :)
Have a great day!!
LA (ET) MOLE 2007
I can not really understand life at times.

Sometimes life has some mysterious ways to let you know that it is too short to waste it...Yesterday the father or my Sister in Law died from a heart attack while driving his truck in San Luis Potosi.
He was a really nice frank person and I only hope the family of my Sister in Law have the strenght to bare the mourning and despair.

And as a result of the tragic news my Sister in Law enter into labor and now My new nephew was born!. It is an irony in one place the Funeral was taking place and in another place was full of Joy because of the New Born: Karol welcome to this weird world!!! :)
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
Luchas Night...!!! I was missing so many people :(
Well today was not the best I have ever had..anyway the good thing is that the day is already over.
I am sending you some photos of the Luchas Night!
Just two comments for a weird reason Mistico used to have crowds and crowds of people on his presentations over my hometown but starting today People started to be absent. For the first time in ages Mistico was like another wrestler there fighting, In the past He was really adored in my town and now is all the contrary, sad to see him in a different way.
In the bright side Magadan one of the most famous broadcasters of Luchas was so gentle and nice by receiving in his own hands a copy of my sketchbook and a copy of Republika Lucha done by my compa Rene Cordova.
Thanks Magadan if happens you read these lines of mine!!
Gracias Magadan en caso que un día lo leas por aquí!
Have a great day!!
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