This is my recommendation of the day!
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Amigos Latinoamericanos y Mexicanos ojo con esto!

Hace rato se puso el post en relacion al tema por parte de uno de los colaboradores de Supercomics.
El buen Jose Miguel Alva Marquina en su calidad de editor ha puesto la nota a verificacion esperando que las personas mencionadas en Supercomics, en muchos journals y en este post, puedan defenderse o establecer la valia de sus cursos (creo que es lo mas justo para ambas partes).
Asi que pues si hay alguna noticia sobre lo mismo lo informare aqui o ponder un link para dar el seguimiento.
Si no saben de que hablo, lean lo que escribio el buen Norihiko en su journal.
Uno de esos buenos amigos que encuentras en tu vida le ha pasado algo medio feo o gacho y aqui les expongo el caso.
Estos weyes le bajaron 1500 pesos y neta si es un lana...
Ojala mi amigo Norihiko Matsumoto se ponga las pilas y meta su demanda a la PROFECO.
El año pasado empece a estudiar la carrera de Dibujantes Profesional de Comics e Ilustrador Publicitario con la Sociedad Nacional de Dibujantes Historietistas e Ilustradores Publicitarios A.C., que segun esto tienen el apoyo de la secretaria del trabajo y prevision social y radican en Toluca.
Llegue a la pagina de internet de ellos por andar buscando informacion del Maestro Ramon Valdiosera señor al que le debemos la epoca de oro de la historieta mexicana. Esta pagina de Internet, horriblemente hecha, mostraba una lista de maestros, en su mayoria dibujantes consagrados de la historieta mexicana, entre los que recuerdo a Ramon Valdiosera, Sixto Valencia, Jose Duran y Hector Quiroz si no me equivoco.
Desde el principio tuve sospechas de esta sociedad (por la pagina que estaba horrible) pero el ver la posibilidad de tener la guia de estos maestros me emociono de mas y me inscribi.
Las clases eran los sabados por internet y poco a poco me fui decepcionando por multiples cosas como los errores de ortografias en el material que entregaban (lo cual dice que no toman enserio esto) que las clases eran solo un monologo, entrega de material para leer y examenes, nunca llegue a hablar con alguno de estos maestros, de hecho nunca se presentaban y muchas veces no habia clases.
Hace como un mes contacte por fin al Sr. Ramon Valdiosera y le pregunte por los de esta sociedad a lo que me respondio que no tenia que ver con ellos, que alguna vez él y todos los maestros de la lista se reunieron con los directivos, pero nunca acordaron el dar clases ahi, sin embargo estas personas aprovecharon esto para poder hacerse promocion y asi capturar alumnos, como me paso a mi.
Cuando vinieron los de ¡Ka-Boom! Estudio, le pregunte a Oscar Gonzalez Loyo si los de esta sociedad eran de fiar y tanto el como Horacio Sandoval me dijeron que no.
Volvi a checar la pagina de esta sociedad, la cual ya habia cambiado a la version que esta ahorita y ya no habia la lista de los maestros que menciono, por lo que cuando ellos me contactaron para reanudar clases aproveche para preguntarles el porque ya no estaba esta lista y despues de ignorarme varias veces acabaron diciendo que estos maestros estaban ocupados con trabajos en el extranjero y que el Maestro Ramon Valdiosera estaba algo enfermo.
Esto se lo comente a mi tia, la cual hizo una llamada a la oficina donde trabaja el Sr. Valdiosera y ahi le dijeron que se encontraba en perfecto estado de salud y que solo estaba muy ocupado con la proxima inauguracion de un Museo virtual de la historieta e Ilustracion Mexicana. Por cierto, el Maestro Valdiosera abrio una Academia de Arte Secuencial, aqui pueden leer la nota
Asi que como ven, esta Sociedad se ha aprovechado de los nombres de estos Maestros para hacerse publicidad, asi capturar alumnos y poder sacarles dinero con clases muy pobres y aparte mentir sobre lo que pasa con estos Maestros y asi justificar el porque no ha podido dar clases.
Si conocen a alguien que este estudiando con ellos, avisenle sobre esto, pues no conviene gastar dinero y tiempo en gente mentirosa y que posiblemente el titulo que dan tambien sea falso o conlleve algun proposito que solo a ellos les convenga.
Do not play yourself short! Inked piece.

Well not really I guess for many of us this day what indeed really sad,I always wanted to have the level in the detail that Michael Turner had and I am still trying to achieve that...
I am still looking for paid COVER WORK so I you have some heading let me know!
And I was listening to surf and spy rock and I really want to design a Music Cover of that kind so If you know a surf group or spy rock group who would like to have my art, let me know!!!
See ya!!
Michael Turner passed away.
Thursday, June 26, 2008

When you watch a movie of Quentin Tarantino there are many things to take in consideration
1.-To understand his vision of giving homages to the B-flicks, cult movies, cartoons, comics He saw over his childhood. If you like that kind of movies or you have a similar background you will be absolutely related to his movies.
2.-To have a certain fond for gore, explicit topics, dark sense of humor and sarcasm.
3.-He likes to play tricks and make fun of us. He is an expert to set moods, many of them in the verge of bad taste.
4.-If you want to make sense to some of the arguments or plots, you are wrong. many of them are only to enjoy and remember the old times sake.
His world is full of nonsense ergo REALITY.
5.-If you care too much for quality in the soundtrack.
I need to watch the second part directed by Rodriguez but I can say that this a beautiful movie, If you are okey at least to two of the mentioned points, You would love the movie!
Have a great day!
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Tossing ideas.

This the first idea of an illustration I am doing for a magazine, I still dunno if this will be the last cut, I need to work in the background that is the main idea of the article so stay tune when I have something done!!!
Yeaph, I am working in the pencil work of the final pages of the project I have been working all this month!
Be good!
ps: I also used this image for a greeting card that will be online soon! ;)
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Luchas Night!!!! Waiting for a signature!

Today was quite good in many aspects, My nephew went with me again to Las Luchas after a month (He has been sick over the past days, and infection in teh ear and an agressive sore throat).
Today at least they were giving a decent show and I had the chance to take some photos with Magadan, Averno, Mefisto and also Silver Dragon (an amazing queretan wrestler) and I waited over an hour to have a signature over a comic (Mistico was only signing a piece, I still dunno why I got so lucky and He signed two pieces, this comic and the Cover or Record a magazine where He was portrayed).
About Mistico the comic, I have a very good friend working on the comic (Ulises Grostieta) and a person I always call "Mister" (I respect enormously Oscar Bazaldua the penciler in the comic and a nice humble person). I still have mixed feelings because it is a good comic, period. Probably I was expecting more of a comic like that but in the overall it is a great effort with a lousy lousy Cover.
And the thing that gets on my nerves from the comic is that the names of Bazaldua and Grostieta and Martinez (the inker) are not in the Cover (They deserve that). Anyway I got my comic signed by Mistico and hopefully in a Convention to get my signatures from the artist involved.
Saturday, June 21, 2008

I am almost done with the inking of pages 4,5 and 6. Hoping to start tomorrow night the penciling of pages 7 and 8 and if everything goes well one more day for the inking!.
Tomorrow inking and working in panel work for the pages.
This is a real bummer from my end and I want to send my apologies to David Braña, he is a very kind friend of mine and I am sure that I will be doing in the future work with him, I had to turned down the project of EVIL WAR, He knows the situation and I am sure I will work with him soon.
I am so sorry dear David.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
No Mames!!!

I am tight penciling page 6, I need the writer to send me the panel work to contrast it with my own work for page 7 and 8.
I hope in a matter of weeks to finally have the word on the project!!!
And I still have to ink the pages starting Saturday morning till I am done at least to page 7.
You guys may like the final result, the editors have told me who the colorist is and I have to say that is amazing!!
I even have a surprise as soon as the word is spread!!!
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Don´t play yourself short!

That was the advised I received a couple of days (thanks Wondy) ago while talking to a very good friend of mine from UK, I was telling her everything that has been going on over this and past year and well I decided again to start my sample pages and also this will help me as part of a Cover for a Comics magazine in my country, so Stay tuned!!!
Have a great day!!

Dorian es el hijo de Jesús y de Doannie que tuve el gusto de conocerlos esta última función del Wagner en mi tierra asi que le mando un saludo porque hoy es su cumpleaños Número TRES!!!
Dorian is the son of Jesús and Doannie a great family that I had the pleasure to meet over the last show of Wagner in my town, so using this way I want to send him and them my kuddos and......SAY!!!
Have a great day!!

No conozco personalment a Micro tan solo su trabajo que es increible,(un artista en todos los sentidos), ha hecho por primera vez algo muy interesante y mañana tiene un evento que sera la presentación del comic y ademas un concierto con Amandititita aka LA REINA DE LA ANARCUMBIA.
Y el otro es una invitacón al Octavo Aniversario del la Libreria el Faro con varios eventos sobre Lucha Libre destacando la participacion de ISMAEL ALVAREZ un artista y ser humano en toda la extensión de la palabra, esta última Convención de la Experiencia tuve el gusto de platicar con el y su trabajo es increible vayan a ver su trabajo de pintura, y ojala Dios mediante tendre tatuado algo hecho por el y que el mismo me tatue por supuesto!!
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Tinieblas and Alushe.
This a gift and a comission to a nice person and artist I respect a lot his name Ric Plata, He has been so nice with me and well I am working on something He asked me to draw, Tinieblas and Alushe.
Now Ric Plata is working for the Mexican version of MAD and also doing some parodies of famous people in a gossip magazine.
This only an advance as soon as the piece is done I will post it here too!
Have a great day!!
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Luchas Night!!!! A very good twist in the plot!! Nice!
I am coming back from Las Luchas and Perrito Aguayo gave an incredible show with Shocker, El Terrible and Dos Caras Jr. Btw today Dos Caras used my favorite outfit He has in my personal opinion.
A nice night, at the end of the fight all The Perros started hitting on Dos Caras a nice twist from what I have seen in ages.
As my nephew could not go this time to Las Luchas I bought him some toys and tomorrow early morning I will give them to him.
Have a good day!
Sunday, June 08, 2008
Der Müde Tod 1921

This is maybe one of the best movies ever done for many many many situations, firstable I have to say that I had finally the chance to see this movie in a cultural channel in my country (Canal 22) yesterday night while trying to get asleep, happens I was with low pressure and high pressure all night and a bit of fever I am still a bit sick but I am much better.
Well into the movie I still do not know why it was called in English DESTINY or THE CIRCLE OF DESTINY in my opinion I guess the best translation is THE WEARY DEATH, in fact for spanish and french viewers you can find it by the title THE 3 LIGHTS (Las tres luces) a bad decision in translation in terms of wrapping the main plot as the whole concept into the 3 subplots given by three creepy love stories.
This is one of the movies I wish everybody had the opportunity to watch even for research aspects, as I read in a site and the way that summarizes everything is that in the first years of the 20th Century while United States was trying to make naive and lousy attempts and experiments with the new format that movies became, German movies were playing with the maturity that the skills of the new format gave to german directors and were trying hard to tell stories in different and innovative ways(I have to say that many european directors had this new format dominated in those early years).
Destiny or The Circle of Destiny is a round movie with a great ending!
Watch this movie if you can!!
Have a great week!
Saturday, June 07, 2008
Mo Music from Domino's!
This is a glad surprise while checking links.
I know this is a bit mellow but I like the way the trumpets are in the background a bit british!
Enjoy... the singer featured is Candie Payne a great voice!
and please enjoy the amazing TRICKY
and for the last but not the least ARTIC MONKEYS
I liked the second album even more than the first one more complex in a way!!
Good day or night!
I know this is a bit mellow but I like the way the trumpets are in the background a bit british!
Enjoy... the singer featured is Candie Payne a great voice!
and please enjoy the amazing TRICKY
and for the last but not the least ARTIC MONKEYS
I liked the second album even more than the first one more complex in a way!!
Good day or night!
They have a new song called U R Fever but for a weird situation, I rather selected to share this video I like the most from the new music they have.
Have a great night or day!
Have a great night or day!
Damn this is my favorite video of the week and the
And it is also my recommendation check for more of Bat for Lashes,this is the video called What's a girl to do?
This song is from 2007.
Check the animals on the road!!
post scriptum..
I am a little sick (insomnia and I guess fever, my bones are aching)!!
Have a great day!!
And it is also my recommendation check for more of Bat for Lashes,this is the video called What's a girl to do?
This song is from 2007.
Check the animals on the road!!
post scriptum..
I am a little sick (insomnia and I guess fever, my bones are aching)!!
Have a great day!!
Thursday, June 05, 2008

I was watching Cinemax late night while inking the pages I am working and I bumped into this very good dark comedy story from Dankan from what I read previously Dankan was a writer involved in TV shows mainly sitcoms and this is his opera prima.
It is quite naive in terms of the visuals and in fact the script is the core and strong base of the movie.
Watch it it is a worth movie to mention and watch!!
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