one of my favorite pieces!!

De hecho esta es la primera vez que voy a utilizar mi lengua materna, esta vez sobre todo para que mis amigos Españoles tenga una bienvenida cordial a este lugar que utilizo basicamente para sacar los demonios propios.Hola amigos ustedes saben quienes son asi que les agradezco toda la amistad y apoyo que he tenido en este viaje etereo.
No se todavia si podre escribir en Español tanto como quisiera asi que ya saben que estamos en contacto por el medio usual, pero no queria perder la oportunidad de recibirlos con afecto y cariño a este lugar.
In fact this is the first time I am going to use my native tongue, mainly to Welcome my dear Spanish friends in a warm form and manner to this tiny cozy place I use basically to fight with my own demons. So hello to you friends you know who you are so I really want to thank you for your entire friendship and support in my own ethereal trip.
I still do not know if I could write in my spanish as much as I wish but you know We are in cotnact in the usual via, but I didn`t want to lose the opportunity to welcome to this place in the proper way.
On other topics I am loading an image of one of my favorite pieces, probably is not the best in terms of the technique but is it very personal because is the translation from Spanish to English of my favorite poem EVER.
Hope you guys like it!. I didn`t write it I only translate it!!
Today I just couldn`t draw I was busy paying some stuff and going downtown so tomorrow I will post the recenT character profiles I will have by tomorrow!!
Have a great time!!...JESUS ANTONIO
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