Supersabios by German Butze!!

I am using a book to help me stablish the work of one of the most important comic creators of all the times in Mexico, well some people consider the work of Los SuperSabios as simple comedy or even some adventures a little vain when in fact is one of the cruelest presentations of regular life and lifestyle.
As the book says there is a relation that it could be consider sado-masoquist among th main characters Panza (Chubby or Belly), Doña Pepita and el abuelo (grampa).
Even in a way a resemblance in some aspects to the work done by George Herriman in Krazy Kat, where the simple violence is part but not everything in the life of this comic, many topics are used in this comic(sci-fi, adventures,exotics ambiences and dictatorial villians) and was about 30 years publishing original work.
Panza is a regular guy who wants desperately to evade or ignore his normal life by trying to solve the world.
Work done by German includes Pepe el inquieto (Pepe the mischevous)in 1946 and many advertising campaigns as an example some work done to High Life(a clothing store),General Popo (a tires company) or Adams (a chewing gum company) and well the supersabios is called his first profesional work, German is born in mexico city in 1912 another student of the Academia de San Carlos and having also private tutors, let me tell how important is German that is in fact is the best storyteller that the country has given in terms of elements like writin,paneling and drawing for a comic.
He would be easily compared to the work of Will Eisner specially because He doesn`t want the art to be great instead of that he focuses all his attention in the narrative and the form to set the enviroment.He is the perfect artist combining his writing and artistic skills,there is a point you can not select one or the other, his work is solid in all the terms.
In case that you see a relation of his work to the Katsenjammer Kids of Rudolh Dirks you are absoutely in fact is his favorite comic the version in spanish was called el Capitan tiburon y sus sobrinos (Captain Shark and his nephews).
The supersabios starts in 1936 in weekly plates in Novedades (a very prestigious newspaper from my country) and little by little became daily his work.
Later on appears in Chamaco a competence of Paquito, as you might imagine it became to be a complete magazine with the adventures of Los Supersabios but now more oriented to the mature reading in fact in 1953 the format of the comic was 32 pages in c olor and bi-montly so there it was a big challenge to face the deadlines for German that even in 1962 stop the comic because of the health problems He had.
Paco,Pepe and Panza(the regular characters of the comic having psicodelic adventures all over the world) continue their adventures from 1936 till 1962 after some circulatory problems He reduced the amount of new work (the doctors even wanted to cut his legs)and it was combined with re-prints of previous adventures till He died.
Los supersabios were published by other companies from 19369 to 1972 like Joma or Editorial Posada. ...Have a great Day!!..JESUS ANTONIO
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