This is an experiment I did a pair of years ago I wanted to give a different depth value by using single cross-hatching work.Yes I drew and inked the piece.

I woke up today feeling a bit sick so I will continue sleeping!
Yes I know I haven`t load new work but guys believe it is going to be incredibly worth the wait..!!!:) :).
My cartoony heart today is feeling dumb and numb (but everything is much better)
Hope you guys like this piece...JESUS ANTONIO
this is very good....i am trying to do the same thing.. im inking someone right now.. and i decided to cross hatch some stuff instead of leaving it just white. ill post it in our blog as soon as i am done.. hope you feel better now :) --kino--
Hey Kino thanks for the words, I am much bette hopefully by the end of the weekend I will be 100% good...And as usual it would be my pleasure to see your cross.hatch work just let me know...:)..JESUS ANTONIO
jesus its already in my blog... i still need a lot of practice :) hehehe you like daredevil... i recently purchased about 40 issues of it.. but its all the romita jr stuff... :)but its good.. i like his style :) good day :) --kino--
HAHAH funny how life works...the work of Romita is Awesome, in fact the Lee Weeks,Gene colan and both Romitas are the best for Daredevil...oops I almost forgot the great Alex Malev.
I already saw the wolverine you did...I have to say I like the cross-hatch of some of the areas and I wish you had made wolvie`s face to pop up a bit more, hard to say but instead of using so many lines it would be better to have less lines in his face only to attact the attention from the dark areas to the face..did I made myself clear?..if not I will try to illustrate it later on..I hope to draw a wolverine soon!!
have a great time Kino...JESUS ANTONIO
it was clear :) wolverines face had the dark areas so i just did that just to respect the penciler's pencils.. but i wouls just put less lines like you said if it was me.. you can still illustrate it... so i can learn more :)
looking forward to your wolverine..
alex maleev is good... never saw any daredevil issues (only the covers in wizard) but i have some the crow issues that have his art.. simply amazing... :) see you good day :) --kino--
Kino the Wolvie is up...I will try to explain in the blog something about blacks!! just gimme some time!!
I hope you liked it!!..JESUS ANTONIO
get some of the work done by Alex maleev you will be impressed a lot andyou are right those Crow issues were just Awesome!!! :)
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