
Ohh well these two CD`s came to my home.One I bought and one I will return because a friend girl give it to me to listen.
Firstable a hello as usual!!
Miss Kittin
I am in love with the new CD of Miss Kittin (I bought it last week), Well She used to work for many DJ`s and She is also playing now with the Chemical brothers. I normally do not listen techno music and this is a great great proposal because it has punk and is a bit more aggressive that other similar artist.
Professional Distortion
Requiem for a Hit
Happy Violentine
Kiss Factory
Meet Sue
are my favorite song from the compact in case you want to see more from her in the page of AstralWerks there are more artist and Miss Kittin is just great.
Diamanda Galas.
I will be honestly sincere on this one, The music amazing and incredible but there is a little disclaimer this kind or music is not for everytaste in fact If I could explain all the symbology elements and all the inner ideas of the CD I will really scare the S**t out of You.Because is using elements of Sado,colors,subliminal messages,propaganda etc.. He or She is always talking to you (thing that really impresses me because is really clever)
I have to even recognize that I am just listening and having my study of the Music little by little. I have to say I am just taking my time to enjoy and get the whole spectrum of this, and take this CD with all my respect.
The point is that If you are not really mature or prepared, or if you have problems at home please do not even touch this CD, even for me is really hard to describe or explain it.
Take the Music from this great artist with a lot of Respect is all I can say!!
Have a great great time!!...JESUS ANTONIO
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