I just want to say hello to all my friends over Spain that have been incredibly supportive to my work and to me as a person that is one of the reasons I remembered this tragic day, becasue many friends I knew suffered from the hands of terrorism and well the image is only a reminder to keep remembering days like that to be constructive and learn.
A todos mis amigos en EspaƱa se como duele el 11 porque lo vivi igual que ustedes, ademas porque se todo el apoyo que ustedes han tenido para mi trabajo y para mi como persona.Ojala esta imagen sea solo un recordatorio que no debemos olvidar!!
Un abrazo!!!
And thousand hugs!!
I got interested in opening one account since some time so there We go!
Obviously this is my Main Blog but I will update My space place every Sunday! I want to see how this works, because I want to use this place to get new friends and to handle it differently from what I do here. So now you have more ways to contact me!:)
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