Well this are Some fresh news of my own, I was mentioned by the great guys from detebeos who are preparing The Amazing Anthology of Capitan Trueno as you know one of the greatest icons in the Spanish Culture.
Only 300 books will be done to celebrate this!!!
The link is in Spanish.
The great Diego writes aside my piece
Aquí vemos una de las imágenes más interesantes que contendrá el citado Catálogo, obra de mexicano Jesús Antonio. ¿Quién dijo que Trueno era sólo conocido en nuestro país?
Right here We see one of the most interesting pieces from the Anthology, piece done by the mexican Jesus Antonio. Who said Trueno was only known in our country?
Thank you again Diego!
Have a great day!!
Hi, Jesús Antonio. My names is Ricardo, and I am a great aficionado to El capitán Trueno, comics and classic movies. I like your vision of this chararacter, Trueno. It´s strong, very personal. I´m reading you from the times of Marzo (I published there a tale), but this is my first comment.
Greetings, and keep on blogging.
Amigo Vigueras I remember you thank you for the words it really makes me happy when an artist comes to the scene I hope to see you around more oftenly and thank you for usar el ingles!!
Un abrazo y a tu entera disposicion me da gusto
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