The scope is the following: Dad and Mom arrived around 3:00 am from the place off town and She´s still in observation but it seems this was just a matter of crossing drugs, She got some X-rays plates and The doctor discovered that She has aside her diabetes and Artritis an advanced Osteoporosis case and because of that She has to extreme her care I mean not aggressive movements or hard work, in the overall are good news in the bad ones but now She is continuing her treatment and according to that We are moving.
My Nephew is also sick but just a simple case of flu!! :).
About me nothing further to say only that I am welcoming Heather from her trip,saying hello to Bonnita Anita,missing June and thanking Wondy for the mention on her blog and I hope more people help me vote to win that Contest!!! :) :)
Have a great day!!
In the following days I will load the characters of David Braña and I for Evil War to show to the editor and Next week over Thursday I am starting the sequentials for the proposal Dan and I have.
And I will work in a pin up for a Wrestler that from what I heard was interested in my work (something different from the proposal you recently saw) so only time will tell...
Great Day!!
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