Thursday, March 08, 2007

Lost in Translation.

Many comments to do today!
Nik I have not received the masks yet, I hope next Friday to have a different speech on the matter and I am starting the paneling work of Rocket Girl, I have not been in touch because of some matters that I will explain to you off but nothing serious.
Dan thank you so much for the calling and I hope to get done with it in a matter of days, two weeks tops!.
Thanks to the comment that I received from a great friend of mine and in part this mail help me tru the day to feel much better.Tim thank you so much!
My sister in law is expecting her SECOND BABY!!! So I am really happy for them.Heather happy belated birthday!.
I have not mailed friends and contacts or show more work due to two things...The first as you know my thesis that I continue really behind schedule (I will ask my teacher the way to have an extension for the paper work and my last chance to get done with it) and the second is because of my jobs, as some of you know I used to have 3 jobs some years back and since 3 months ago I am again with 4 jobs mainly to save money for my bachelors, regular life expenses and for the trips I already have in mind.That is why Luchas became my escape to reality If you understand what I mean.
For the first time in ages (maybe because today I have a severe case of flu and I feel my body just numb), and also because over the past months I have been giving priority to things that I do not have to.
Well I did not want to accept the fact that I can not work and study at the same time, that also means I can not draw and work at the same time that also means I can not study and draw at the same time.I believe me I do wonders with the little time I have.
I was giggling at a comment from a person I heard yesterday telling me that She can work and study at the same time, but I was telling her that We have different speeds or even different strokes so I can not generalize her situation or mine, nothing to even contrast.
So yesterday I was talking with my Dad about the possibility to be patronized by him or by somebody else for just 2 months (I have never been in that situation and in fact I know He can not help me now), right now I am just tossing my situation so there is nothing to worry about, I mean probably I will solve my situation this weekend after talking to my advisor and have extra time to finish it, the point is that in fact I have work, comic work in wait and projects I can not mention but everything will get its own pace as soon as I get done with my studies, so in a way I have my hands tied in fact if one of the projects or the helping that I am getting from Nik, Dan, Victor, David, Ron, Keith etc works well I will not have anything to worry for the long long future (economically but especially creatively), but NOW, TODAY, I can not figure out the proper way to do the 3 things together without affecting one or the other.
I am sending Nik a mail to talk about this I mean I am thinking in having some time off from my school work and devote myself only to My Thesis,My comic work and my regular life and getting some economical stability at the same time.
I am just venting the situation so thank you so much for reading it, I am sure I will find the way to continue working,drawing and doing my thesis at the same time...I just still need to wonder how.
Have a great day!!



David Braña said...

Hola compañero!!! Cómo van esos diseños y demás de Evil War? Me paso por aquí a diario para ver si hay alguna novedad. Un abrazo!!

Anonymous said...

I don't know how you get anything done being so busy, but you are amazing.

Víctor Alós said...

Jajaja David, no me lo atosigues, leñe, que ya ves como va el niño...

Por cierto, Jesús, tu cuñada va a por el segundo ¡Enhorabuena!

Yo, en cambio, voy a por el tercero :-D

Tómate la vida más tranquilo, amigo, que al final, llegamos igual a todo.

Un saludín

David Braña said...

Jejejeje. Que no hombre, sólo es curiosidad (disimula). Jesús, disfruta de la vida chavalote. Yo seguiré pasándome por aquí. Un abrazo!