Then probably what I will say it will be in the line of the vain but I was applying some simple laws of cuantics, similar to what Grant Morrison does with his writings of POP MAGIC! but instead of using his last approach what I use is meditation (Yeaph! I meditate since years ago.. who could believe that!!), and since years ago I always wanted to have in hands what is on the second photo..and I am really happy!!!.
The first photo is a proposal for a wrestler that is really nice and I am know that the day He comes over my town I will have a talk to him and see If He is interested on my work.
I started today my second contact with a very good editing company in Spain and it seems I will have news to comment over the months regarding ME and THEM(thanks guys in the company for the answer back and for being so kind with me and my work..) and the last photo is my cousin..He makes that face when We tell him "Nasty boy"...hehehehe!!!
David, Victor, Nik, Craig and Dan...I am catching up with our work...so stay tuned!!
Craig I want to thank you for being such a nice guy with me and helping me get that book...btw I will NOT work ONE cover but TWO or THREE for Craig and his Comic New Nation.
Have a great day!!
That baby is so cute
June is that You!!!!
I am so happy to see you back in here..and yes you are right my nephew is Awesome!!
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