Well I went with my girl really early to the plaza and We were there at 5:15 because the tickets said that the opening of the show was at 6:00. There were less than 3000 people over what it was also a sign that the event will not be packed because 3000 people means less of the 10% of the total space, that was a bad sign (Terrible planning from the promoter specially because it was a day after the main soccer game of my hometown, and game that took us to a lower Division and lost the place on the professional league). That was not the problem the problem was that they didn´t open the doors and We were waiting about 2 hours and many things happened, People started to get mad at the way everything was going on and many versions came, the main version was that maybe the event will be suspended because of certain problems in setting the arena to fight, my personal version is that they were waiting for more people to come and see If they could have a much profitable show, well after being there for more of hour and half many people got really pissed off and even tore off their own tickets in front of the organizers and promoter and left the place, the remaining people stayed and We were at moments about to start some fist fights with security and organizers, then after an hour and 40 minutes The promoter showed up and said that 3 wrestlers from the show will not be (Mil Mascaras, Tinieblas and Rayo de Jalisco), but that the other wrestlers will be there, so He gave two options to go for a refund from their tickets or enter, in this case I decided to enter because of three wrestlers I wanted to see so I stayed with my girl and waited.
We had the tickets 94 and 95 first row and when We were inside the ring side the guy who was organizing and controling the seats said "Mmmm there are no seats number 94 and 95 but Sit Wherever you want" the reason: not enough sold tickets to put more seats so well We sat where We were supposed to be. It was 8:20 and We saw that the security had disappeared and also the sound had left what it meant that there was not even a guy introducing the wrestlers, it was a total chaos, imagine how dangerous the place was that there were 2 mild riots in the ringside (figths from some guys not the wrestlers), and a big fight that was inside of a restaurant that is part of the plaza (my version is that some of the organizers fought eachother).
The matches were not really well organized and I can only say that there were 3 wrestlers that called my attention (There is a new guy called Turbo that can be If He wants a real competion to Mistico and I liked the way Flama Solar and Engendro fought), Carmelo aka Cien Caras is an amazing fighter and well the last fight was the Highlight and the moment I was waiting for because there were Los Villanos and Misterios fighting, imagine how chaotic the show was that there were 4 fighters in one side and 6 in other, that was not what made think of the great love for Lucha some people have specially wrestlers (Villano Tercero, the old guy with the thumb up in a photo above) said to the audience before starting to fight that The promoter didn´t paid any of the professional wrestlers of the show their salary (and my own version is that is the reason why Mil Mascaras, Tinieblas and Rayo de Jalisco didn´t attend the show) and that They were fighting because of the audience and not because of the promoter...those are the things that makes me respect people.
What it was about to be a great amazing show was a chaotical one.
And now after going to that place I respect more the organizers and promoters from my hometown it seems so easy to organize a show and from this experience now I respect more the organizers and trainers from my own Arena.
Have a great day!!!
Have a great day!!!
Today is also Luchas Day!! Yayyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!
Hola Antonio.
Soy flama solar (luchador que se presento en Queretaro) Muchas gracias por tus comentarios y aun cuando la funcion fue todo un desorden logramos sacarla a flote.
Espero pronto visitar nuevamente tu bella ciudad de Queretaro, llegamos de carrerita por que al sig dia teniamos que luchar en Tepatitlan y veniamos de presentarnos en Puebla aun asi con lo poco que pude ver de Queretaro me gusto y espero regresar si algun promotor solicita mis servicios.
Soy de Guadalajara.
Saludos para todos los que postean en este blog.
Hola Flama cuando puedas escribeme a mi correo!! Un abrazote y la neta me gusto mucho como luchas lastima que no pudiste lucirte mas, escuche muchas referencias de ti desde antes y eras unos de los que queria ver.
escribeme a jarthernandez (arroba) gmail.com
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