I do not normally talk about this kind of details coming home but this time I wanted to do it for many reasons.
1.-I admire my friend for being an increidible artist and a true professional and for being so nice an humble with me over the years and more to come and also grant me with his friendship He has been always with a nice word about me or my work or a fine advice about something, the same as many other great friends I have known over the place We frequent.Thank you amigo you fucking rock!!!
2.-He was so nice to send me his last trade from BATMAN. THE MAN WHO LAUGHS (reminds me the old silent movie with the same title). with an amazing message written in spanish that got into my heart. His recen SKETCHBOOK that I have to say If you have the chance to buy it in a convention DOOOOOOOO ITTTTTT!! It is AMAZING!! AND HE INCLUDED A CARD WITH CAPTAIN AMERICA DRAWN BY HIM!!SSSSSOOOOOO THAT MEANS I HAVE MY FIRST ORIGINAL ART FROM AARON SOWD.....WWWWWWWWWooooooWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!
Damn you, AARON SOWD amigo you fucking rock!!
Sorry for my serious face (I wanted to put my proud face and this is the best result)it was a bit late when I took the photo and I am now in a house of a friend who is being so kind to let me use his computer from 12 am to 6 am to update myself and try to send information, so sorry If I am absent for some days due the lack of internet at home!!
I guess I got affected with this worldwide devaluation, Well I will keep the rant for another moment!!!
Thank you thank you thank you thank you!!!
You made my day, my month and the rest of the year!!!