
I saw today the girl I really like and i have to say that I am starting to get some strong feelings for her.
I was trying to express the way I feel and the only way is in this poem done by one of my favorite poets from Spain.
I took the liberty some years ago to translate from Spanish into English the poem, so I hope you enjoy it, the English version is in the image that is loaded with this post( I translate, drew ,ink and lettered the poem), so please enjoy!!
Se tu mi Limite por Jose Angel Valente
Tu cuerpo
puede llenar mi vida,
como puede tu risa
volar el muro opaco de la tristeza.
Una sola palabra tuya quiebra
la ciega soledad en mil pedazos.
Si tù acercas tu boca inagotable
hasta la mìa bebo
sin cesar la raìz de mi propia existencia.
Pero tù ignoras cuànto
la cercanìa de tu cuerpo
me hace vivir o cuànto
su distancia me aleja de mì mismo,
me reduce a la sombra.
Tù estàs, ligera y encendida,
como una antorcha ardiente
en la mitad del mundo.
No te alejes jamàs.
Los hondos movimientos
de tu naturaleza son
mi sola ley.
Sè tù mi lìmite.
Y yo la imagen
de m, feliz, que tù me has dado.
Well Pumas has passed to the final so is against Monterrey next week, so probably Hugo Sanchèz will repeat and win the Championship again.
I have something else to write but I have forgotten it..damn!!..have a great day!!..JESUS ANTONIO
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