
Again insomnia makes me do strange things...I was about to get off computer today and I received a mail from a very good friend of mine.
He ask me for a fast comission kind of sketchy I knew He likes Miguel Bose (Miguel Bose might be like the David Bowie of Spain..and funny thing I saw an interview of Miguel showing his new work using blacks,reds and whites).
so this is the result!!..
Insomnia hate it or love it!!...JESUS ANTONIO
Now is almost 4 ò clock in the morning and I have to wait 3 more hours to work in my non comic related job..:) or :( hahahhahaha!!..
Good day!! See you in a couple of days!!.
looks great! more relaxed, or maybe you were so sleepy when you did this one huh? :)
Hey Monsanto..thanks for writing here!! Well thanks for the words, well you know We are just a reflection of our own work, so most of the times I am always in an hyperactive mood, for the sketch you saw it was more like using a different approach I normally use, the point is also to prove that is not about an artist drawing in certain way the best artist is the one who wants to experiment and evolve everytime!!...have a great time Monsanto!!..JESUS ANTONIO
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