
Today was nice in some aspects.
I will go to Monterrey next Saturday what it means that I will be absent for some days!!
I am having full time tomorrow to draw two more pages of Luchador!
I had a coffee with a nice teacher I used to have when I was studying Architecture and there are some hopes he helps me to finally finish my career and get my paper. I stop studying because We had a very big problems with money at the end of my career so I had to sacrifice stuff, I only need to have my residence and write my thesis, I hope my old teacher helps me close the circle.
I finally sent the scan to Kino.
I received an incredible e-mail from an artist that has always been a inspiration to follow. I reserve the name for a while but If I can get ahold of some of the beautiful work he does I will let you guys know!!
I saw today Lupita and her tiny beautiful eyes, and as usual I finish so confused again!!!
Have a great day all of you guys!!....JESUS ANTONIO
i hope you finish what you have to do :) --kino-- ps ill probably buy rocket girl after my sem :)
Thanks kino now I am trying to close circles I haven`t close...so well i hope everything might work well!!..thanks Kino..btw check your mail!!!..:)..JESUS ANTONIO
and buy Rocket when you can!! :) :) :) thanks for helping us!!!
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