I never expected to have a hard time to remember all this things..but I really liked it.
76.-I do not know how to unzip bras so I normally pull them off. (poor ex-gfs) :)
77.-I like a lot the nipples from girls.
78.-Weird place to have sex : in a bus full of people at night.
79.-Wen I was really young I shoplifted without realizing it. Happens that my mother didn`t want to buy me a Jedi so I was making a tantrum with the toy in hand, when we realized (Mom and I) We were out of the mall and the toy still in my hands. I still have it at home.
80.-All the comic book pencilers I admired from the past know I exist or have commented on my work.
81.-I have one of my knuckles (broken right hand little knuckle) to be precise.So I shake hands with the left hand.
82.-I remember full conversations so is very difficult a person tries to say something that I said when I didn`t.
83.-I can not open the caps of the bottles (my hands are weak).
84.-When I am really angry or pissed off I like to listen dark or agressive music. That soothes me.
85.-I try to draw everyday at least 8 hours. (it is like a piano.... practice).
86.-I know how to read lips in both languages English and Spanish.
87.-My favorite toy was a neon yellow rabbit.
88.-One of the dumbest moments was to throw up in the mddle of a Wedding, yes you can imagine the face of the groom and bride specially because I was assisting the Weeding. Horrible memory to them. hahaha.
89.-I know We (Boys) like to see the butt size or the breast size of girls in my case I like the lower part of the abdomen. (Do I have to be more explicit?)
90.-I never failed exams never ever in fact the only two times I failed an exam were Structures I and II in the career.I do not normally study for exams.
91.-Favorite songs No more I love`s U and Nothing compares to you.
92.-One of the Saddest times When I gave some flowers to an ex and I left the place, I forgot my agenda in her place so I returned to the house and saw the flowers I just gave away in the dumpster.
93.-One of the happiest moments, When a X-mas time (no money in the family) I recieved for the first time a set of comics. The best X-mas ever.That day my vocation was decided.
94.-when I have extra money I like to read 3 newpapers minimum to be informed in fact I watch 5 daily news shows everyday, I normally like Politics.
95.-I am visual and tactile.
96.-I used to kill rats and lizards when I was really young only for the pleasure and fun of it.
97.-My favorite kinder garden munch was Ham with crackers and ketchup.
98.-I always proclaim what I want.
99.-The strangest food experiment were to mixed 4 different kinds of sodas and drink them or to cook beans and squeeze a lime (lemon juice) on them.
100.-I don`t listen music in spanish well not at all.
Wow!! I finally finish it!!..Have a great time!!..JESUS ANTONIO