oh Well this is a proposal to one of my favorite groups ever I hope it goes to the right hears and eyes so We can have some great ideas to them!!
A busy day I bought some material I was in need to continue with the pages of Luchador!
I received a mail from Lupita.
I recieved a mail from Nik (Man I am still laughing my ass off !!!)
The writer of Robot Love liked the second page so I hope this weekend to finish anothe one.
I went out with a girl, I really enjoy the time. I guess no romance will start from but I really enjoy it as a friend.
Need to answer mails so see you later!!..JESUS ANTONIO
Have a great day!!
haahahahahah Yes! I am trying to go out and not only to depend on the tiny girl I love, I mean as we know If She decides to be with me good and If not well i need to move on....I hoe you are also much better in love issues...JESUS ANTONIO
maps... maps... maps... wait.. hehehehe
like that song.. very cool drawing too:) i like the way she is sitting in the words :) and the wings too :) --kino--
Wanted to give a more punk gothical attitude!!! :)..JESUS ANTONIO
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