Can you recognize this little fella?

Happy day!!
I am trying to remember good moments from my childhood and I had to say that I had a very good childhood in the possibilities that were available.
I have to recognize that my Mom really try to make our times really good ones in fact I gues She spoiled us a bit, One of the greatest things my Mom did was to form us a very distinctive personality. I was the first boy and the experiment in many ways.
I have to say that I am happy with the results sad sometimes it is hard to say Mom and Dad that They just rock big time!!...
Favorite programs when I was young.
The muppets show.(The show with invited guest)
Señorita Cometa (translation..Rocket Girl...funny isn`t Nik?..Señorita Cometa was a japanese program about a nanny with powers taking care of two spoiled boys).
Mazzinger Z
Candy Candy.
Wonder Woman.
Dukes of Hazard
6 Million Dollar Man
Magnum P.I
Miami Vice
Hawai 5-0
Wonder Woman
Batman 60`s
Great times indeed Have a great day!!!..JESUS ANTONIO
Tim is that you!!???
Man thanks for the words..you know that really means a lot a also coming from you!!!
Great so great to read from You!!!
ps:I agreee totally to what you said :)
HAHAH for waht I have seen We really have many things in common!!!! :)..The pick is form one fot eh photos of my Mom`s album :)
Hey tim sorry for teh dealy in the answer, thank you thank you thank you for the support words that meant a lot to me!!! You know that you, Kristin and the great Amigo Nik have a big place in my heart and also You are the people I respect a lot from what you do ,did and wil do over the years WITH ME!!
Tim I hope everything is much better your way,(with family and stuff) let me know when hope 7 is ready!!!!!!...JESUS ANTONIO
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