My First Comic

A year ago I posted this but now that Jason and Dadicus are nostalgic :) , I decided to repost this and have fun!
Well I am showing you the first comic I received and the one that made me decide to become and artist. I received this comic with some others in a poor X-mas but believe me it has been the Best X-mas ever!!!And it was drawn by the incredible artist Don Heck.I am still a true believer that Don Heck is one of those guys who needs more recognition in the work He did!!
Below is the original version in Spanish that is still in my hands!!
If someone can help me GET the original version in English I can find a way to compensate you!!
Great day!!
I think that DON HECK is one of the best artist who handled the Avengers title as well. How old were you then?
I received the comic (the spanish version in 1981) that means that I recieved the comic at the tender age of 6 years!!!
I am now 30, man!!!
Don Heck is maybe one of my examples to follow well I am not planning to die like him :) :)
Great day to you!!..JESUS ANTONIO
I actually can't remember what my first comic was...
well the first international comic was...
it was either an issue of brigade, or guardians of the galaxy..
it's probably guardians of the galaxy.. the issue where rancor fought dr doom in the 31st century...:)
i liked the embossed dr doom that they put in the cover and that's what basically hooked me into comics:)
i was probably less than 6 back then.. :) maybe il post my oldest comic book in my collection :) --kino--
Please Kino do s...it would be great to see the art that make you get into the darkness!!
Great time to you!!...JESUS ANTONIO
I just posted my story in my blog jesus:)
good day to you too :) --kino--
I'm older than you man! I'm already 33 :)
Kino I am visiting the place asap!1
Monsanto I thouhgt you were younger or at least my age!
Hahahah I have to accept that I am loving the first time stories...
Great day guys!!
Did you see the comic...
not really a popular one.. the cover just caught my eye...
I dont think anyon has ever seen it:) hahahaha...
Im actually more of an art appreciator kind of guy... so i dont have plenty of comic books in one title...
example... all my xmen comics are not in sequence.... all are from different years and eras hehehe...
Of course i did it and I love it!!
I haven`t collected comics since 5 years so I am a littleout of what it is being produced nowadays but from what people tell me I am not losing anything!!
Have a grat day!..JESUS ANTONIO
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