
Hey guys well I am starting with the Love for Dummies reloaded section :).
As a summary I am trying to forget (You know who...check in the Archives) in fact I am about to change the channel on how to see her, I have to confess sometimes I see her and I am with that stupid feeling "If you should have..or Well your loss not mine".
I am dividing the section in the fronts that I have been considering lately.
First Front.
I met this girl some time ago in a very odd way because She is a girl attending one of those tiny grocery stores near the school were I give classes. She has brown light hair almost gold, INTELLIGENT,has a really nice smile and laughter and an incredible nice rack (funny because I normally do not pay attention to that kind of stuff and gosh! I am sometimes finding myself talking to the rack :) ).She is cute in the overall but that is not what attracts me about her, is her way of being and her way of thinking.
We have many things in common and it is the girl I wanted to invite for a coffee since ages, after the dumb situation with the other girl that I never knew for sure what it was going on on her mind (I need to say in this part that You know who is a nice girl that is also why it really affected me all these 10 months when I was with her trying to figure out If she wanted to be friend or love, The funny and you know is that I never saw her as a friend).
I do not want to repeat my mistakes, I do not know how to see this cutie girl I am starting to like, sometimes I spend half and hour or more talking about music with her and she was trying to convince me that Robert Draco was good, sorry I couldn`t understand the music from him, We have been sharing CDs and sometimes to talk about the things She does, I have kept many things of myself to myself, I haven`t opened up as I did with You know who.
I do not want to become a friend per se, I also need to add that I do not know from this cutie If She has boyfriend of not (I saw her once with a boy but my problem is that I am not jealous so I do not really give a damn!), also I do not know If She sees me only as a friend, I do not want to repeat my mistake.
In a way I still feel insecure after what happened with the other girl because I just couldn`t make her hormones feel something for me, I reall want to be sure I am not confusing that the cutie is being nice to me or something else.At this point I do not know If I can provoke a girl to have wild dreams, so imagine in what way affected me the last situation. As I said I do not want to have a girl with me only because I am nice.
A friend told me to chill out and to have a mental vacation (She meant to stop trying to figure out for a while what the other people can do or say and only let the things go in the normal speed and not to hurry the things).
Well with this girl (I will called her Cutie)..... yesterday I asked her again about going out for a coffee and I just told her that it will be my last time asking her (She laughed at me saying "ooopppssss I am shaking in fear" :), with her reaction I just laugh, I just told her that I felt bad to ask her out again because I didn`t want to bother her)..Smiling told me that She would have told me NO since the first time If she had felt that something was not right but it was not that the problem it was only that She didn`t have free time to go out..well tomorrow We will agree were to go until next week..I am about to ask her to go out but out of the state and just sightsee.."
It now difficult for me to feel like I am interfering in a life or entering out of the blue..I do not know I never expected to feel like that...is it normal?
That is the first front of 3
Have a very good day!!
What amazes me here is that She and I share so so so many things in common!!
I will check IF she has a boyfriend..I am really scared to screw the things up as it happen with you know who!! :) :)
Great day!!...JESUS ANTONIO
I agree.. I think she likes you from what you wrote:)
find out if she does have a bf before asking her out again...
I will ask her about the bf things..thanks Kino and June!!...JESUS ANTONIO
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