Today I am going to Las Luchas to see fighting Mistico, Wagner, Atlantis and Black Warrior, I still do not know If I could take some photos because I have not my camera yet. If not for next time!.
These past two days were just to rest my teacher hasn´t come to talk about next Workshop class so I hope that tomorrow He will be home to talk about it. With all this mess with my computer time passed so fast and I am at half the course what means that only 9 classes more and the Workshop will be gone and 2 weeks after that I will finally send my Monography that I have to start this weekend.
Everything is quite good I need to use this week to catch up with mails and talk about future plans!!
I am about to finish the pencils of the Cover of Fair Blues and hopefully next week to start the inking.
I am starting to work in a teaser ad for Rocket Girl.
In my country is very common to celebrate the Day that celebrates your name, in my case today is San Antonio de Padua´s Day (maybe the word will be namesake to describe the Day). In the past at home We used to celebrate the day big time and today I have no big plans...if somethings happens I will let you know...
Great day and Enjoy it!
PS:The title is a Palindroma.
Im a little late,But hope you enjoyed your day.
ThankS!!!! June...Thanks!!! XD
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