For God´s sake!!! "Old Boy" the movie I was waiting to watch got its own way to my hands so I am expecting to watch it today or tomorrow so expect a review...Wondy if there is a way I can get a copy of Lady Vengeance let me know...!
Tomorrow I will go to the Luchas again and and by the way this gave me the perfect story to talk about..
Last "Luchas" time I didn´t go well I went...the story is quite dumb.
Two weeks ago My friend reserved the second row that meant that the show was about to be incredible because Mistico and Wagner were fighting that night, happens that I couldn´t leave early the school because it started to rain cats and dogs, really hard,So I had to wait so a friend of mine could take me nearby with her car, well rain stopped a little but the situation was just chaotic, so many cars, so many crashes, and water and rocks so my friend took another route to go, some wrong decisions and We still do not know why but We were 7 km far away from the starting point and the car in total mud, so We got stuck for 3 hours until her husband arrived to help us and the kind help of a guard that helped us too.
Well me full in mud went to Arena only to tell my friend what it happened, the people in the Luchas place were so nice I think I really looked so badly that they let me get into the last minutes of the last fight to see my friend, and Well I found her and We were just laughing at supper time (We ate hamburgers) at my bad steps over the day. So that is how I went but I didn´t.
But destiny is even greater because Mistico and Wagner are going this time so this gives me the chance to recover last time!! Yayyy!!!
Have a great day!!
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