As You can see my photos are much better, I hope next year to buy me a new camera so my photos will be a lot more decent. And well You are right I am wearing my autographed mask.:) :)
As you know I really like Dr. Wagner and this time was figthing L.A. Park, the other photo is from Maximo and Volador (Maximo as you know is an exotic fighter..btw Did you see where is He having his left hand on?).These were the only two fights that were worth mentioning.
Have a great Sunday and enjoy the pics!
Do not forget to visit my political strip of today BODOQUE!
ps:I am finally taking some time to write my Monography and tomorrow I will start regular life no more vacation and I need to find time to finish the work of My teacher and the Workshop.
About the teaser poster of ROCKET GIRL 3, I am done I only need to work on the Perspective over next week so I hope by the next one to load the pencils, and See the way to end the piece because I am thinking in using acrylic or to have someone color it in computer, who knows the sky is the limit!! :)
I will propably be out for a couple of days working on the Monography, so see you later or tomorrow..I still do not know! :)

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