Justicia Mural.©2006 Jesús Antonio Hernandez Rodriguez
Well this is the presketch of the Mural that will be at the entrance of the office of my brother, I still need to design so many things like the furniture, lights and the space by itself so I will upload the project as soon as I advance, I will not sleep today at all trying to finish part of the written Monography so I have something else to be in check tomorrow early morning. The mural will be in oils over wood and a bit enormous so there would be 3 pieces connected to act like one.The interpretation of the Mural is up to you, I mean I have the study as part of my written Monography but I will not say anything till I have some revisions from my teacher. I was also studying the way Juan O´Gorman used to paint Murals an also Siqueiros´ process, I am thinking in coloring the mural in reds, oranges,yellows, golden colors and blues.
DADICUS thank you so much for being the great guy you are!! I will ink the piece in a matter of 10 day tops and send you the scan, thank you, thank you again!!
Nik I hope in less of 7 or 15 days to upload the teaser poster of Rocket Girl #3.
Wondy and Bonita Annita, I was reading some stuff about Chaos Magic...can you investigate if there are some good books in UK on the matter because I want to study that movement and I would love to get them my place. Seems they used also some of the terminology used by H.P Lovecraft, Sigilos and Sumerian Tradition.
I am now working in my political strip...so see you over Sunday!!
ps:As you see I suit perfectly to draw someday Wonder Woman :)
1 comment:
Joe Gadget thank you thank you so much for the words!!
I please post anytime you want!!
Nice to meet you!
Have a great time!!
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