Thursday, November 30, 2006

From The Slumber

Well as you know I haven´t slept in the proper way because of the sickeness of my Mom, thanks guys for asking both (Mom and bro) are much better, the past days have been a bit harsh but at some point everything is going back in the right track.
Yesterday I had a coffee with a nice friend and I guess I was really tired from the recent days because I was sleeping at some parts of the conversation with my friend, poor her She understood totally my situation and from what I know She will invite me dinner next week and well after all the turmoil I am just planning to devote the whole day of tomorrow that by the way is a freeday to SLEEP and TO SLEEP!.
In case you ask, Yes, I bought this mask last time I went to Las Luchas, Mistico was so nice to sign it!
I already bought my tickets for next fight!!!!!! and YES!!! DR. WAGNER is against ATLANTIS, I realy hope I have a great time next Tuesday, in fact I have tickets for the first row...Yay!!!!!
I need to SLEEP so see you in two days with a report on the work I am working on!!!

Enjoy the photos I posted!!! :)

JESUS ANTONIO Posted by Picasa


Jimmy T said...

Good to hear, Good news. Now get in that ring and....ooooh .... nevermind.

Jimmy T

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear everything is going well!!!

Wondering if you think you might be shipping my picture soon so it will be here by Christmas...

antonio said...

Heather my plan is to get done with the piece over Sunday and ship it over Monday so on Wednesday next week you have it home!!
I am worried too because today my scanner didn´t work and well...bad day but I hope tomorrow changes everything!!


sands of time said...

Hope you mother and brother are better now.