Secondly to answer some questions:
Antonio Torres: Yes, my favorite wrestlers are Dr. Wagner and Blue Demon Jr, I really like the way they are with the audience. I have to say that Mistico, Santo and Maximo are really cool and nice.
About Rocket Girl well you need to wait till 2007 when it hits the newstands over February or March . Nik and I have great plans with Rocket Girl, Luchador! and The Chalice of Dracula and some other ideas We have for the long run.
Also the work I will get involved again with Pedro L. Lopez, Ron Fortier, Victor Alos, Oscar Camarero (I really like the writing of Oscar and I can not wait to get us in a project, I hope He wants us to do something together), Nick from the Shrivers Anthology and now David BraƱa, and two more guys that sent me some movie scripts and scripts to convert into a comic and without mentioning the secret great project We (a friend of mine and I) are waiting to be approved soon!
I know I have been quite silent over the weeks but there are some reasons mainly I guess I hit bottom again in terms of personal matters, I am happy in my job but not really satisfied and to be honest the couple of months have been really demanding from them and I haven´t had time to rest or to devote time to me, specially knowing I am still behind schedule with my Monography, thankfully I have advanced something over the weeks but I am still behind and I hope next week to see my teacher and finally ask for the advice about the proper way to end up the Monography, it is scary to know what to do but not really how to do it!. That is the way I have been feeling lately.
I will dedicate tomorrow and Monday to draw the plans for the Monography so over the weekend to ask a friend of mine to pass the plans in Autocad (Due to my job I do not have time to do it myself), and to use wisely the time to continue working in the written Monography.
Probably another reason I was not posting more was that I have seen many people getting into the blog and I was a little hesitant to talk about me in more personal matters but to be honest I say to myself...what the heck?. This is my own tiny place to face my demons and I will talk about me and what makes me who I am as a person and as an artist.
Plus, I have been so busy with my Monography and my daily job that I have been turning my personal and love life to ZERO.
For the first time in ages I miss getting laid as I used to and besides that the main missing is not to have someone to share what I am and care. (Expect a Love for Dummies for a complete report over tomorrow).
Also I have been suffering from insomnia again because of the load of work and helping family, also I am a little stressed out because there are some decisions from some other people that will affect me in a good way mainly professionally, but till not knowing the resolutions I can not even talk about it or even want to think about it. I just will let time do the talking.
I will use some hours of tomorrow to work on my next political cartoon and for a comission I am really eager to start because it is for a very nice friend of mine...thanks in case you are reading this!! :)
I have started talking to many people about future work and well it seems next year will be a great year for me.
About love life well...you need to wait till tomorrow..because I am almost leaving to give some classes to my family and friends.
Take care and thank you so much for asking How I am!!
I really appreciate it!!
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