Since some time ago I have been thinking in an Erotica comic to sell over France, Denmark, Germany and Spain and well long time ago I posted the first two pages from the comic on the blog.In fact and If I can... this will be also a comic to be published on Argentina just depends If the guys from Argentina get interested on it, I am saying that because as this will be an Erotica Action packed-Violence Comic might be difficult to digest for some people, I do not have a specific time to print this because this will be done as soon as I am done with all the projects I will be working next year so If I get this published over the end of 2007 or 2008, it will be cool!!.
The comic is BLAM!: SKIN.
Yeaph! I inked and drew the Cover.
Yeaph! I am also writing the story!!.
Dear Friend if you are around and you know a good publisher from France,Germany,Denmark or Spain (and Italy..thanks Fabrizio!!!) that might be interested in publishing this strip just give me a shout out and let me and let him know about it.
Have a great day and enjoy the piece!
Ciao Jesus.
Panini publishes in all the country you said and also in Italy.
But they don't work a lot with erotic. Anyway "Coniglio Editore" are keen on it, so they may be interested...
Hey Fabrizio thanks for writing here..my question might be how can I contact them?...Do I go to their website or is it a specific mail to send them something...
Ciao e tanti auguri per te caro amico!!!
thank you again!! :)
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