Chipel one (Chipel in my country is an adjective used to express "sad" but with that kind of despair and sadness, maybe a word describing it could be mellow or in sorrow).Well my nephew has been acting really sad lately seems that nature is quite amazing and my nephew Carlos is sensing that probably a newcomer is taking his throne, yeaph..probably My sister is law is expecting her second child..probably...!!!!:)

Chipel Two...well it seems I do not understand anything about social interaction towards people...tomorrow I will write a long Love for the Dummies section and write the new scope.

Before shaving.

After shaving
Have a great day!!
You look handsome with or without a beard, mister!
Sorry to hear about the sadness in both yours and Carlos' life - I hope you both feel much happier and smilier soon.
And I am looking forward to reading more Love for Dummies as it is my favourite thing you do.
Love always,
Wondy x
I have the Manara "mouths" in my room too!
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