Este es un aviso tipo noticia abri por fin una cuenta en DA (Deviantart) para los que a veces me comentan que porque no escribo en Español mi blog, bueno pretendo dejar el mismo Status Quo que significa que seguire respondiendo en Ingles y Español como lo hago normalmente en el blog y manteniendo mi blog en Ingles, asi que para los que tienen DA pues pongame en sus contactos ahi todo va a ser en Español pero tambien respondere en Ingles!:)
Un abrazo!
English version:
News I finally opened a deviantart account so If you want to add me on your friends list..I am trying to keep this blog only in English and the DA account in Spanish but do not worry I will answer in English or Spanish your comments!!
Be good!
Welcome to the art intensity of Deviant Art. I've been there since 2003. I made some great creative friends there, though I have had little to no time to update there in months, just updating my Hope 7 blog takes alot of time from doing work that pays the bills, you know how that is :) Anyway, I've added you to my watch list at Dev Art, I hope you make lotsa friends and get inspired by the way talented artists there.
My dev art address is
Hey Timothy send me a mail off I have something to ask you...My friend thanks for writing here!!!
Thanks for now being a Devian friend!! :)
I sent you an e-mail, earlier this week to your address, I hope that one is still current. If not simply send me an e-mail to hope7comic(at)
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