I forgot to mention that last time I went to Las Luchas a person finally gave me mask number one of Luchador!, I am expecting yours this guy is working really slow and behind schedule (I mean almost a year from last time We talked) but He finally had the time to do it and let me tell you that the mask is just Awesome!! (I am wearing mine in the photo)so I hope in less of a month to receive yours!!
I am working in Rocket, I have been a bit slow in the work mainly for the contest My advisor and I entered is really taking us ages (and to be honest I am a bit worn out by it) so I am trying to speed up everything as possible, well I have advance some pages of Rocket Girl 3 and I am showing here the first advance on the page of LAST CHANCE written by Sean, for a strange reason I was having problems with some panels specially from the angle of camera but I guess it is really going well, I am also expecting some coloring from Marko to speed up some things with Dan.
I was talking today with a friend of mine (Thanks Mike!!!) to print my first Sketchbook mainly to promote my work and have something to sell over Conventions and raise some money to pay for the trips to other conventions abroad and pay for my material (Yes, I am planning to sell this sketchbook via postal service for my friends overseas :)), there are some plans to attend some Conventions in My country this very year but as soon as I have some dates confirmed I will talk about them.
I can not complain at all!!
Nik thank you so much because of you I could pay for some material I was in need I am contacting you really soon...
Have a great day!!
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