As you noticed I was a bit down so I rather talk about something else before talking about me. Now I am still busy really busy and a little angry at some things but everything looks really fine.
Let`s get into the topic.
I bought my tickets to go to Las Luchas this Friday, as I posted I love to go when the event is organized by the CMLL, but this time I am going to AAA that are the Wrestlings organized by maybe the most important TV network in my country and I really want to go this time because it will be broadcasted what means that this time all the Wrestlers might fight better even more than in a regular fight so I am expecting some surprises.
I am coloring some pages more of Luchador! and continue drawing El Clan.
Pedro L. Lopez finally reached me by accident it was funny but I am writing down to him in a couple of weeks.
I still need to ink the cover that will be published in May over sapin with Capitan Trueno.
I am also coloring the pages of Fair Blues to send to the contest.I really need to finish today those pages because I am really short in time, but well I try to finish at least one.
Btw maybe you are wondering what about a Cartoon on the left side of this post, well this is an old idea I had when I was about to enter to work in a newspaper in Guadalajara, They couldn`t give a position on that time as the cartoonist because Calderon (an incredible cartoonist) is the cartoonist in staff, but they offered me a position in the art department, thing that I refused because They wanted me to change places and be living in Guadalajara, and to be honest I like a lot the place where I live.
Well I am in talks to star colaborating with this cartoon for a web site in Spain, more news when everything is much solid.
I would love to use this character because is my chance to talk about internal politics and show my dark sense of humor.
Residence well I haven`t seen my teacher so I guess I need to visit him tomorrow in the morning, and I have the meeting with the Social service at 2:30 and see finally what it will be my project to work for them.
I was about to say more things but I do not remember them...so expect and update over the day!!
Have a great time!!
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