Well this a Cult movie that I had the chance to watch yesterday, is considered one of the first Surreal Movies done in Spain, actually it was filmed in France and all because of the liberties Luis Buñuel and Salvador Dali had over France and their tendency of being against the Stablishment, sad by the years Salvador Dali was part of that Franquismo that He in his timid and shy early times rejected specially by the loss of his friend Garcia Lorca.
People say this movie is full of symbolism and the funny is that the grace of this movie is that You do not have to overthink about the meanings....No symbolism... in fact they were using a similar way that The Dogma filming does (Look for Dogma Manifesto) well in a way, the discussed the scenes by frames and by using the Good idea or Wrong idea continue the story, they didn`t have an script the use only ideas coming from their inner personalities. They follow the sequences by accepting or not the next panel. Funny that it really sounds like a work We do in Comics. Hard to digest specially the sliced eye, or the death donkeys, or the incredible vouyeristic risque scenes.
An incredible mastery that it was not reached by them in La Edad de Oro.
Also sad to hear how Dali betrayed Luis Buñuel specially while living in USA.
Have a great day and ....Today is Dia de Muertos in my country!!
Done in full french, the musich is really fine.
Silent Movie in case you ask. :)
Nunca la he visto.
No lo he conseguido nunca...
Esa escena me supera.
Un saludín
El problema es que solo hay version en Ingles y en Frances la compania que la edita se llama Starflux...la verdad es increible en terminos de arte.
Si puedo conseguirla Por que me prestaron la pelicula pero en caso que la consiga tambien ira en el paquete que te mande.
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