
I was today busy working in loading the information of the course I will prepare with my Teacher from my Residence, I have loaded 50% of the information I have, hopefully by the weekend I will be done with the information so I can start editing the information and hopefully in another week to have advanced part of the notebook My teacher is requiring from me.
Nothing to say today I was only working on thatand I haven`t had news from my Social Service so I will call tomorrow to see what is going on.
I also need to call the girl from the business I have in mind.
Thank you Kino and June for the words!.
I will take a couple of hours to draw part of the work of Nik and Victor.
I am a bit lazy today so see you tomorrow!!!
Ahhhhhh I forgot I won`t go to the concert of Babasonicos (maybe next time) happens that I need to go to San Miguel Allende (a town nearby home...I mean and hour and quarter in distance).
Just to visit some galleries and see some painting work and ask for some related matters and help.
I will go to the concert only if the people who is going with me cancels the trip :).
Great day to you!
Prana was the filming company that F.W Murnau wanted to open to start some series of Movies having Witchcraft and spiritism as the main concept in his films.
As you might know Nosferatu is based on Dracula, after not getting the copyrights from the writer to film a movie using Dracula.Ahhhh the company just went broke with the film Nosferatu.
1 comment:
i just got the dvd... just email me so we can talk it:) take care:)
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