Friday, September 08, 2006

I Already Pulled The Handle.

As some of you have been noticing I was absent for so many reasons, first I was trying to get the rhytm with my jobs, as I said. Good news!!, The company where I was giving classes decided to continue with the contract so I will start working with them a couple of months more so that means money, I also started giving classes to an elementary public school, and I am fascinated with my students, I was also starting this week in my regular job in the school where I have been working for ages and They decided to give me an extra class, so I am happy.
Today I paid for two prototypes of the T-shirt business I have been talking in a while, so next week I have a reunion with the people who will start with me the business, thankfully are only friends, a nice girl accountant and sister of one of my best friends and a nice girl who studied illustration, so We are trying to find the right way to start the business.
Comic work as I said I will start working full time by the second or third week of October when I am done with my Monography, I am taking this weekend to finish part of it because I have a presentation of the project next Friday, Wish me Luck!.
Starting Monday I will start loading a semi-tutorial in how I design Architectonical spaces and furniture as part of my Monography so stay tune because for funny that is sounds is the same method I use in my Comic Work.
Also and finally I am taking next week to agree about my official web site, I have not reach this nice friend about it but I just wanted to wait till I have some news about payments and stuff to start working on it, and now I have some good news for her.
So as you have seen I have been really busy but happy and on October finally getting into my Comic World.
Did I mention I was discriminated last week by a person?..hahahahah... or mention about my Lovelife?
Well I hope over the days to tell you what happened and also my review of Last Tuesday When I went to Las Luchas!!

Great Day!

Me now working in my political cartoon!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on all of the good news! It sounds as though everything is going really well for you! I can't wait to buy a t-shirt!