I was really eager to find this Cd and start listening to this Group, I have to say the single "Love is a game" took me away for the simplicity but the beauty on the rythm. If you want to listen mellow music that is not that mellow and very well perfomed, "The Magic Numbers" is a must. Also beautiful videos they have on their sleeve.

I was expecting the Cd to be a total loss and on the contrary I really enjoyed it, I have to admit it is the Franz Ferdinand tune that We are used to and also with many similarities to the music of many groups of the 80´s I can even identify some David Byrne´s and Talking Heads´ air. But definitely a great compact to enjoy.
Have a great Day!
The first time I heard Franz Ferdinand - Take Me Out - I thought that someone had reformed Talking Heads. My other half later told me that she thought exactly the same. Isn't it amazing how much music in the charts these days that draws from the past?
Ive never heard of it.I will look for it online so i can listen to it.
June the group is quite amazing..listent to them If you have some time.
Danny thank you for posting here I really appreciate it, you are right sometimes I giggle when I listen music quite similar to the ones We have heard in the past or teens singing songs thinking they are new..well good things preserve I guess...or probably I am getting old..who knows!! :)
I loved Talking Heads so it is no surprise at all that when Franz Ferdinand started tossing music on the market that I enjoyed it.
I agree totally with you Pete!!
Great Day and thank you for being here!!
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