Friday, September 22, 2006

Lights and Masks

Just coming back from talking to this person and I have to say He behaved really nice and amazingly kind, He didn´t shut doors, He is going to ask the right people and in case something solid comes He would let me know. Obviously He didn´t want to promise anything and from what I understood the plan is a long term one... and quite great for me!!!.
After checking the artwork, He liked it so I am sure good things are coming from him, so as soon as I get a thumbs up or a resolution either good or bad I will talk about it, now I am just keeping silence not to jinx anything, as I am learning "If you do not want your plans to be accomplished... Let everybody know them!".
Great Day and hopefully over the weekend I´ll load some new artwork!



Anonymous said...

Grazie per la tua lettera! Tuo italiano e bene!

Congratulations on good news! Thanks for stopping by again!

antonio said...

Grazie!! I really hope to get back into my classes of Italian soon and well I will let you know if there are some advances on the proposal I made to this people!!