Check the ending of this video!!! from my favorite Argentinian band! BABASONICOS!!
And I will link the new video they have tomorrow night!!
I wanted also to share El Loco song from Babasonicos that I really like a lot and I found the lyrics..(I translated the lyrics so lousy for my friends overseas, sorry in advance). And NO these lyrics are not religious If you find the right intention they did over the will be amazed!! :)
I am a victim of a fragile God, a God of bad temper that instead of praying for me just went out somewhere else to a disco and dance. My own disguise (crust) wanted to live as a living mortal and as it didn´t happen, just killed me, a particular vision of foggy clouds.
I approach him and I feel the warmth I want to get in.
I am the victim of a selfish God and pretty particular that in his loyal crave took my girl away and took her to a whore house, house He administrated as a pimp, a great lord till the end and confusing his impunity He believed He was invincible, foggy clouds, I am approaching him and I feel his warmth I want to get in.
What is given away is mine and it is over and I won´t return it.
What is given away is mine and it is over and I won´t return it.
What is given away is mine and it is over and I won´t return it.
I am a victim of a fragile God, a God of bad temper that instead of praying for me just went out somewhere else to a disco and dance.
Lyrics in Spanish!
Soy victima de un dios frágil, temperamental que en ves de rezar por mi se fue a bailar se fue a la disco de un lugar, quizo mi disfraz vivir como un mortal como no logro, matarme me regalo, una visión particular volutas de humo titilo a su encuentro siento el fulgor y quiero entrar, soy victima de un dios díscolo y muy singular que a su antojo fiel me arrebato a mi mujer y la interno en un lupanar que él administro como chulo, un gran señor y llego hasta el fin, de confundir su impunidad, se creyó imnisciente, volutas de humo titilo a su encuentro siento el fulgor y quiero entrar. Lo regalado es mío y se acabo no lo devuelvo, lo regalado es mío y se acabo no lo devuelvo, lo regalado es mío y se acabono lo devuelvo, soy victima de un dios frágil, temperamental que en ves de rezar por mi se fue a bailar a la disco de un lugar. a great day!!