I finally paid a debt I used to have, I agree with a friend of mine to help him in the Theorical Frame of his Tesis while He is going to help me working on the Architectonical Plans of my Thesis so this Friday He is receiving the measurements so He can start working on the plans so I can get done with the last part of the designs and start the paperwork with my Advisor for the Thesis.
I went to Las Luchas not really for Mistico I went because my favorite Wrestler Dr. Wagner Jr. was coming and it was great because He was wearing the new mask He is using and it is amazing (Gold and Black)!!!. He signed my magazine with his face on the cover so I had a nice time.BTW, Nik the mask maker told me that next Friday 16th I will have the masks with me!! Yay!!.
I am loading a photo I took with my nephew some weeks ago!!
So a nice day indeed!!
Have a great time!!
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