Fourth is the charm! Girls and Boys!!
Yummy,June and Wondy I need your super powers there!!! ONLY SEVEN DAYS MORE!!!
Los Abandoned have started a Contest to design the Cover of their album called Mixtape and well, I really like the guys a lot because they are nice fellas so I decided to have my own take on the Contest and this is my piece.PLEASE GUYS VOTE FOR ME!!! AND TELL YOUR FRIENDS TO VOTE FOR ME.!!!!I really want to design this cover and the interior design. I am in position 8 and I need a lot more votes!!!
What I really wanted to do is to respect the color pallete The good guys of the Abandoned have on their website and at the same time to play with the tapes trying to say that " WE ARE OUR OWN MUSIC TRACK AND DEPEND ON US WHAT MUSIC WE WANT TO LISTEN FROM OUR OWN HEART, I think that with this concept the process came so easy!!!!!
Have a great Day!!
Have a great Day!!
Version in Spanish.
Los Abandoned iniciaron un Concurso para diseñar la Portada de su album Mixtape y bueno, realmente me gusta mucho lo que estos tipos hacen porque son raza chida, asi que decidi hacer mi propia version para el Concurso y esta es mi pieza.POR FAVOR VOTEN POR MI!!! Y DIGANLE A LA RAZA QUE VOTE POR MI!!!
La verdad quiero ganar para poder tambien hacer el diseño de interiores.Ahora estoy en el lugar 8 y pues necesito mas y mas votos!!!
Lo que hice es respetar la paleta de colores que Los Abandoned tienen en su pagina web y tambien jugar con las cintas con el Concepto " NOSOTROS SOMOS NUESTRA PROPIA MUSICA Y NUESTRA PROPIA PISTA DE SONIDO Y DEPENDE DE NOSOTROS LA MUSICA QUE ESCUCHAMOS DESDE NUESTRO CORAZON, y creo que con el concepto todo el proceso se agilizo.!!
Buen Dia!!
Have a great day!
Buen Dia!!
Have a great day!
1 comment:
I'm on it!
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