David Braña is an excellent writer and poor him He is really suffering with me because I was finishing the characters I need to send to Toño and I realized that I was not 100% happy with the result so I decided to have a little bit of investigation before sending Toño the charactess so He can color them, so my investigation left me checking the work of Katsuhiro Otomo, and I am watching Memories done by him in 1995 and also Akira for my fifth time.
Version in Spanish:
David Braña es un excelente escritor y pobre de él realmente sufre conmigo porque cuando acabe los personajes hace unos dias atras que por supuesto tengo que mandar a Toño para que coloree el trabajo, la verdad no estaba al 100% satisfecho asi que decidi darme la oportunidad de checar el trabajo de Katsuhiro Otomo como son Memories y Akira, y asi tener un mejor desarrollo de personajes, amigo David aguanta unos dias más no te vas a arrepentir.

"Ruang rak noi nid mahasan" 2003, is one of those beautiful movies You need to watch, specially for the way the storytelling is developed, I still do not know how asian directors are not recognized as They should be. The title in English is "The last life in the Universe", and it is a dark sense kayuka parody.

I really liked Ultraviolet, let me put it in this way, If this movie had had the budget of Eon Flux, it would have become a masterpiece without doubt. In fact the director and the art director made miracles with the low budget they had, a very good movie to just enjoy and not to worry too much about the plot.
Have a great Day!!
ps:Nick I read the mail....!! That sounds great I am contacting you and them asap and I let you know the results on the contact....my piece of advice start working in their cameo, so I can start plotting the panel work!!
ps:Dan give me a couple of days more to send you the scan!!!
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