
This is one of the oddest post I have written 3 days ago I had the chance to watch this movie called Baise Moi (Rape me!), as you can guess it was a French noir cuasi pulp movie.
I have to be very realistic about the movie, the plot two underdog girls met by Destiny and commiting all kind of crimes.Defying their own nature and using men to take revenge to them when in fact are just taking revenge to themselves.
Please If you have no stomach for blood semi Gore or Hardcore stuff DO NOT watch it!
This is one of the first times that I can not say for sure If I enjoyed the movie, just please be warned that is not everybody`s taste.
Btw the actress shown in the picture died some months ago. Yes,She was a porno movie star.
Great day to you!!...JESUS ANTONIO
I have seen Baise Moi - I own it on DVD - but you are right, I think it is one you may be drawn to but aren't sure if you actually enjoy it or now. it's like a car crash almost.
I can't believe she is dead.
You define the movie perfectly "A car crash". I mean as a man I enjoy many sequences but in the overall you finish wiht a weird feeling. anyway I heard she was dead let me do my research and i will confirm it.
BTW I am really happy that a professional of the medium helped me with his great comments for your comission, wondy you have no idea how intelligent and great person Chuck is.
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