Robot Love.

This is the panel one of page three of Robot Love. 2 more to finish them.
Continue coloring Luchador!
I got a phone call from a friend ...expect a Love for Dummies review on the topic and my friend. What I can say now is that love has not schemes.
Well No news from Lupita, and I have to say that I kind of expected.
I will start my diet to lose some kilos extras!!
Thanks Tim for dropping by and and the guys reading the blog.
Movies I saw: Please guys watch Valerie Flake an indepent movie about solitude and love.
I saw another love flick , the second movie of Briget Jones, nice one...I should have expected more but it is okey.
And the other Modern Times with Chaplin beautiful silent movie done over the 30`s beautiful movie except for the music the only part where I had a pleasant time is when Charlotte is singing in the bar, that is the only musical part I enjoyed.
Have a great day!!..JESUS ANTONIO
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