Phantom inked

Well I feel much better from Yesterday!
I was sending some proposals..and Yes I continue coloring Luchador! (is taking me ages but only because of the technique, I am pencil coloring the work so it is really really challenging and also because of the technique that is really slow!!)
Well no Lupita`s news today, well in fact Yes...I met her Mother and the Mother met me!! (yes I was nervous big time!).
I was invited by some girls to go out...so well I will start seeing more people while Lupita makes her mind, and about Lupita no idea where She is!! :)...
Have a good weekend!!...JESUS ANTONIO
oh.. plenty of girls are asking you out... that's great:)
i like the phantom.. i remember reading those strips back in the philippines.... i actually watche a cartoon called defenders of the earth..
the phantom was with flash gordon, mendric and their childrens...
I remember the cartoon it used to be one of my favorite ones, in fact the word done by LEE FALK is amazing , did you know that Mandrake or Mendric is in fact the look of Lee Falk.?
Good day to you Kino!!..JESUS ANTONIO
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