This is the cover I was doing yesterday!
IN NOMINE is a great concept from my friend Pedro L. Lopez and I draw it!!
I sent some scans to Nik with Luchador! in colors!
I will have another interview in some days showing more work of Robot Love.
I will write some sypnosis during the weekend.
I have two going outs this weekend.
I am a little blue about Lupita`s situation. Damn!!!
News. I will declare Wondy and June as winners, They didn`t give me whole answer that I needed but They help me to realize other connections for that number and I will try to included in my story Third Death, I will give the whole concept of 19.5 in a couple of days!!.
Wondy and June I will use the comissions also to explain to guys here the way I work in design.
I will have first Wondy and as soon as I finish Wondy`s I will start yours June. Just give me some time to do so because I will do it on my weekends!! :)
Wondy contact me off!!
The other trivia stands still.
What does it mean the date 1864?
Good day to you all!!!...JESUS ANTONIO
Thank you so much Jesus Antonio - I can't wait !
So with these commissions - what will you actually do? Or will it be a surprise?
Quite simple Dear Wondy.
I know we have really similar taste so it will be a blast the comission.
You ca select the topic (wahtever you want me to dra except animals I do not like to draw animal a lot ha!, but any other topic or artist or situation is up to you).
I want you to be happy and also to be proud enough to hang it on your room next to you pile of unread books :).
Tell me in waht style you wnat me to use, because I studied Architecture i can really understand the differentstyles. And also colors.Let me know and I will work the comission in the same bery blog so Other people can see How I work comission work.
June!!! you are after Wondy!! :)..Have a great day both of you!!..JESUS ANTONIO
well i think it should be quite dark in style, i love the film noir style, you know sort of 40's and 50's. wonder woman maybe should be incorporated as i grew up with her. i love bettie page who is somewhat of an inspiration to me. basically i think you can tell a bit about me from my page so anything goes really i say! also i am a firey readhead and proud so that might work well! anything else let me know i am so excited! i wish i had a talent to share with you...
i can't wait to see what june comes up with either!
Jason, great to see you here!!
visit me when you can!1 and cograts again in the 3 things you accomplished...JESUS ANTONIO
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