Kiss me

By the 24th or 25th I have the next deadline for the second part of the project.
I hope to start scanning all the work by the next Saturday and well finally start working in the work of Victor Alos (gracias por aguantar tanto tiempo y gracias por las fotos de los policias, te luciste espero ya con esa informacion ya meterme de lleno a las paginas).
Amigo Nik by those days I will start putting in order everything to send you material for the proposals... tons of thanks for being this patient with me.
With Pedro I am just waiting for the scripts to move the things after the deadline and well get back into the project I am involved.
And well my 17000 profiles views!! Wow!! (sad that sometimes I can not know who is checking this tiny space in my soul.)
ps:The actor is a the comedian Langdon!!!
I did! It's all June's fault!
hahahhaha Thanks Pete for bieng here!!...JESUS ANTONIO
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