sketch sketch

Well this is not my normal way of work You know by now after all this months sharing the blog with me.
This is an sketchy sketch (sounds weird my definition..hahahaha).
I have some very good news over the weekend just stay tune.
A small gig has arrived to my door and I am thankful for that. I am going to mention about it until is done. I will be busy for just a couple of weeks and some days, I will post normally but I guess I will have to move some timings I have for all the projects I am working in and some of my regular work will become a little scarce but as soon as I am done I will work my tiny ass to recover the time.:)
(Thanks in case that the nice guys who offered me this gig are reading this blog). :)
The only bad part is that I hope to find the time to write down a novel for a contest that I was preparing but firstable I need to cover the deadline of the small gig so I do not for sure If I can make it! (sad for me).
I have some stuff to share today or tomorrow!!
Take care...my love life..hahahahah really sucks!! hahahaha....JESUS ANTONIO
UPDATE: I have received a nice email from the person that is giving me the gig telling me that the amount of work will be decent and not as large as I thought at the beginning, so in a way is really great because the projects I have won`t be affected significantly and I will have time to work on my writing and the other proposals I have in hands.
Nice news!!
another gig.. you're on a roll jesus... :) good luck to you :) --kino--
good luck getting the gig - I will stop by every day to check how you are getting on!
Miss you already x
Hey Kino!! it is very small and gladly to say not affecting all my project and in a way I am sure it will be the first of many coming from that source (thanks again in case you guys are reading it:) ).
so well I am sure I will hit really big in the short term...
Thank you so much wondy for the words , thanks for missing me it is reciprocal and you know that, in fact I won`t lose track because as I wrote they let me know that the gig is not that large so I guess I will handle myself well without affecting my timings and post everydayas usual!!!...JESUS ANTONIO
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