BLAM! logo,script and art©2005 Jesús Antonio Hernandez Rodriguez. Queda prohibida la reproducción total o parcial, por cualquier medio, sin la expresa autorización del autor

Written,Filmed and Directed by ©2005 Jesús Antonio Hernandez Rodriguez
Title:"Good girls go to heaven and Bad girls go everywhere.."
Kerubin at the middle of a shooting speaking to herself:
Caption1:Holy Crap!? What I am doing here naked showing pink? And not even knowing who is the jerk shooting at me! F*ck I shouldn`t have left home.!!
Caption2:3 days ago I was home resting watching TV eating cookies, now I have seen 2 bodies and 1 explotion. Dammit!!
Caption3:15 minutes ago I was trying to get the dirt and blood out of my body and now I am just shooting at nobody! I hate cleaning someone else guts and brain matter...Damn!
Caption 4:3 years saving to buy this car and now it has become sh*t! and running away from I do not know who?!
End page one.
Madre mia!
Reconozco que los primeros dibujos tuyos que veo (soy una vaga con las websites, lo reconozco) me han parecido magnificos. Se que todo el mundo te lo dira, pero...
enhorabuena por las paginas! ahora ponles un monton de negros y ya eres Frank Miller :D
Un besazo
ANNA, CUTE ANITA, Un placer to have you here!!
Thanks for the words..and iam so glad that you finally saw the kind of work I do, you might have a nice time checking the other posts and the archives over the forum!!
I hope to add the black and whites soon!!
Un abrazote y espero verte seguido por aqui!!...JESUS ANTONIO
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