BLAM! logo,script and art ©2005 Jesús Antonio Hernandez Rodriguez. Queda prohibida la reproducción total o parcial, por cualquier medio, sin la expresa autorización del autor

BLAM!Written,Filmed and Directed by ©2005 Jesús Antonio Hernandez Rodriguez
Title:"Good girls go to heaven and Bad girls go everywhere.."
Panel one.
Kerubin is jumping to the back part of the car.
Kerubin:I need to cover my ass!!....literally..dammit!!
Kerubin 2: Finally something to cover me!
Panel Two:
Kerubin shouting:Who the f*ck are you? Show up!! Mom told me not to shot and talk to strangers..
Caption:Why the joke? why the joke?I am so stupid to shout at nowhere to no one and expecting to be listened.. I am so stupid!
Panel Three: What do you want from me? Where in Hell are you prick? Where are...
Caption:Silence ooh ohh!! .no shooting!....there is silence!!!!!..Oh My God!
Panel 4
Sniper: I am just here Martha..
Kerubin:Hey!! How do you know that?..Nobody calls me like that...ANYMORE!
Sniper:I used to be more than "just nobody.."
Caption: Why me? Why me?
Have a great day!!...JESUS ANTONIO
Hey come join tha' art Jam on my site Man ! I'd love to see your rendition of any of my characters!!!!!!!!!
hey Dadicus!! what`s up??
I would love to draw something with your characters now that I have some free time!!
Thank you June as you notice I change a little my way of speaking in the script because I want to focus this work in a more adult material..
hey June thanks again for all the nice words about my stinky love life...hahah..yeterday I was a bit blue but well I will explain later on..Great Day!!...JESUS ANTONIO
You would love next page that will be full of action (I hope)..thanks for the words Jhonny...JESUS ANTONIO
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