I am taking the morning to check my mails... and to define some things I need to draw.
About movies watch Crash a little difficult to digest specially some scenes that are a bit sick but a nice movie!
This movie is really hard If you only set your attention in all the sex scenes but what I love is the Pyscological background of every character, really sick and lonely people.
No plans for today I only need to call the people from The Social Service to see what it is going to happen and I am cleaning my room.
In case something great happens I will get back and write it down.
Have a nice day!!
My daughter has that movie.I will have to ask her to borrow it to me.
I have to warn you that maybe is not for every taste, As I said sometimes really hard to deal with...specially the scene of the tattoo.
Great day to you Dear June!!
hahahahahahahahahhaha yes you are right but in my country the word PROCRASTINATION is a must!...hahahahahahaha! thanks for the words and great to see you writing hear TOCAYO
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